NGamer: Punch Out! en desarrollo, Animal Crossing finalizado

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News: Animal Crossing & Punch-Out!! Wii Detailed

The latest issue of NGamer reveals information from a secretive source about Animal Crossing Wii and a new installment of Punch-Out!!

Those who purchased last month's issue of NGamer will remember that the British publication teased at the revelation of a new project from Nintendo's internal development teams. We received the latest issue of NGamer this morning, and it offers up some very juicy information indeed. Here's a snippet from their feature about E3 2008...

"And if all goes to plan (and our sources haven't played a mean trick on us), that hands-on coverage will be of Animal Crossing and Punch-Out!! Wii, aka Nintendo's great hopes for 2008."

The article goes on to say that Animal Crossing Wii has been finished for a while, and though it isn't an MMO as suggested by rumours earlier this year, it features heavy use of Wi-Fi sharing (and presumably multiplayer, as in Wild World).

As for Punch-Out!! Wii, NGamer claim that Balance Board implementation is on the cards for dodging and weaving, in addition to Wii Remote and Nunchuk controlled punching (which goes without saying) in the style of Wii Sports Boxing and Rhythm Boxing, which was included as a minigame in Wii Fit.

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Joder con estas noticias cada dia me dais unas alegrias jaja, lo del E3 seguro que era un fake enorme pero bueno....De estos la verdad que si me fio leo la revista y me parece muyy buena la mejor de nintendo.

Punch Out ¡¡¡¡¡ a estas alturas y todavia sin un boxeo siendo hora. Y animal crossig jeje estaba cantado y no tardara en salir...lo espero para finales de año ..
Por estas cosas me gustan las ferias de videojuegos (L) demasiadas buenas noticias en tan poco tiempo.
Sí, si y SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! Un nuevo Punch Out [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo] Al fin puede salir "EL JUEGO" de boxeo final en Wii... [plas] [plas] [plas]
porri escribió:AAAAAnimal Crossing [plas] [plas] [plas]

+ 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
genial un punch out! el animal crossing estava cantado...
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