Como muchos no solemos frecuentar con demasía los subforos específicos he considerado dado la gravedad del hecho, ya que afecta a muchos usuarios, postear esto aquí en el foro multiplataforma para que así todos aquellos que estén sufriendo dicho bug sepan lo que está ocurriendo y el posible porqué.
- A partir de las 00:00 de hoy muchos modelos anteriores al nuevo modelo Slim han dejado de funcionar correctamente, cuando quieres jugar a un juego o acceder al PSN te sale lo siguiente "8001050F error", y te impide continuar. Esto es un error interno de la consola y todo hace indicar que es un bug del reloj interno por lo que también ocurre a todos aquellos usuarios que no tienen la consola conectada a internet.
Copio y pego esto del hilo de GAF, está en inglés pero es una información muy útil.
Here's what's going on right now: something with the PS3's internal clock has borked in some pre-slim models. This is not a PSN issue; it has to do with your PS3's clock. This clock is NOT related to the OS clock. It seems to be a leap year bug. Setting your clock ahead will do nothing. All PS3s around the world were affected at the exact same time.
Does this affect me?
-If you have a Slim PS3, you're good to go. Continue playing it as normal.
-If you have a "fat" PS3, you may be affected. Some fat PS3s have worked ok, but it seems a good majority have been bugged.
What does this bug mean?
-If affected, your date and time has been set to a random past date. This prevents you from signing into PSN, playing any PSN games, or using any DLC. Your trophies will also not display correctly or be able to sync.
How do I fix it?
-You can't. Even if you don't sign into PSN, it won't help. This is a hardware issue.
So, what do I do?
-Wait 24 hours. Other products that have had similar bugs have corrected themselves after the "bugged" day. On Monday around 6pm central time, all PS3s will automatically correct themselves...maybe.
-If that doesn't work, we'll need a firmware update from Sony, which should be a pretty important priority for them right now.
Did I lose my data/themes/etc?
Your save data/games/dlc/themes are fine. They'll be fixed when the PS3 is fixed. Trophies are uncertain right now, but they'll be fine if you've synced them before the PS3 was bugged. Unsynced trophies are an unknown right now.
If I have a bugged PS3, can I still use it?
It's probably not a good idea, as I have no idea what will happen to the trophies you earn during the bugged time. Movies/media will work fine.
So there ya go, my handy FAQ.
Posible explicación.
The going theory is that the PS3 is storing some form of date in GMT, then modifying that to get whatever you see in the on-screen clock. That modification process seems to be fine--the system can take 2/28/2010, 9PM GMT, add four hours, and get 3/1/2010, 1AM random time zone.
What's apparently effed, as speculation goes, is when the internal GMT-tracking rolls over to 3/1. It's either not rolling, or rolling to 2/29, at which point a system tries to add/subtract from 2/29, which it can't do because the front-end calendar doesn't have a 2/29/2010, and shit explodes. Seemed to happen around 4PM PDT, which I think is 12AM GMT, so.
And the PS3 launched in 2006; it's hit 4 2/28s so far. 2007 and 2009 were odd-numbered years; 2008 was an even, and a leap year. 2010 is the first even non-leap-year the system's been around for. If some sort of base-level math is choking on itself, it may have ruled out the odd 2007 and 2009 successfully, but is convinced the even 2010 is a leap year (this part I'm less sure of, but is why leap year could theoretically come into play at some point.)
- Vaya puta chapuza inaceptable, espero que mañana a las 00:00 todo vuelva a funcionar correctamente y haya quedado en un susto, y yo que me disponía a hacer una buena sesión al White Knight Chronicles.