Thomas De Maesschalck escribió:AMD says more Mantle games are coming
On March 19 we announced a technology partnership that will add Mantle support to CRYENGINE® — the game engine behind blockbuster titles like Crysis and FarCry.
On March 20 Microsoft announced DirectX® 12, the next major evolution of its own game API. This is terrific news because it really draws attention to the value of low-level programming and Mantle’s leading contribution. With DirectX 12 games still over 18 months away and no alternatives in sight for Linux gamers, Mantle’s future looks bright.
On April 14 we announced that the upcoming release of Sid Meier’s Civilization®: Beyond Earth will support Mantle. In case you’re not familiar with the series, the current iteration is Civilization V, which, despite being nearly four years old, remains the sixth most played game according to Steam1. With Mantle in its arsenal, the next installment could be even bigger.
On April 16 we published a Mantle whitepaper, giving developers and enthusiast gamers a deep, technical insight into the technology. Have a look to find out how Mantle delivers such dramatic performance increases.
On May 1 we launched the Mantle SDK beta, which made Mantle available to a much greater number and variety of game developers. That should help accelerate the proliferation of Mantle-enabled game titles.
On June 9 EA announced that three of its upcoming games would support Mantle: Battlefield Hardline, Dragon Age Inquisition and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. Each of these brings new features, maps and gameplay to already-popular franchises. If the results we saw with Mantle in Battlefield 4 are anything to go by, these games should absolutely fly on AMD Radeon™ hardware.
Light Killuminati escribió:Estoy verde en este tema pero mantle api solo es de AMD radeon? si es eso ya tendra algo propio como las nvidia.![]()
Con fx8000 y gtx no tengo nada que ver con mantle api?
otro hilo "que es mantle api"
Sniper Elite V3 is Now Supporting AMD's Mantle
Rebellion has announced that Sniper Elite V3's latest update gives it AMD Mantle support. This coincides with the latest update for the AMD Catalyst drivers (version 14.9 WHQL).
Obscurance Fields are used for creating soft shadows in more natural places, between legs, on walls among many other places. With Mantle more AMD hardware will be able to run smoothly with this on.
Closing Facts
Update 1.11 for Sniper Elite V3 is now available for PC on Steam.
The update includes Mantle support and new Benchmark modes for both Mantle and DX11.
Mantle requires supporting hardware, AMD Catalyst™ 14.9, Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8 users can update to 8.1 for free).
All in all, even this first pass of Mantle has delivered all that we’d hoped for:
Improved frame rate
Reduced CPU power consumption (important for laptops)
Less susceptible to frame rate spikes when other programs hit the CPU
Future scalability with higher numbers of cores
Scope for increasing scene and world complexity
Ability to increase the CPU budget for other systems like AI.
The last two points are more relevant to our future games, and for now we need to see how this first pass of Mantle behaves in the wild and fix any issues that come up, before moving onto new features and improvements that would make sense to add to Sniper Elite 3. One big area that we haven't yet addressed which needs investigating is multiple GPU support - this can be a tricky area to get right.
The way DirectX11 handles multiple GPUs is “AFR” or Alternate Frame Rendering, which as the name suggests means if you have two comparably powered GPUs they simply take turns rendering frames. This is in many respects the easiest approach to take – and is a great way of making your game CPU bound! So possibly our Mantle version could show some big improvements when using this method.
However, with the independent control over the GPUs Mantle gives us, we could approach the problem very differently - for example one GPU could be rendering the basic geometry in the scene, while another handles lighting and shadows for the same frame, with the final image composited at the end. This may also provide a route for when GPUs aren’t of a comparable power level – for example an integrated APU motherboard coupled with a desktop GPU. It’s the potential for completely new approaches like this which excites me the most about Mantle and the APIs which will follow it.
Sniper Elite V3 is Now Supporting AMD's Mantle
Rebellion has announced that Sniper Elite V3's latest update gives it AMD Mantle support. This coincides with the latest update for the AMD Catalyst drivers (version 14.9 WHQL).
Obscurance Fields are used for creating soft shadows in more natural places, between legs, on walls among many other places. With Mantle more AMD hardware will be able to run smoothly with this on.
Closing Facts
Update 1.11 for Sniper Elite V3 is now available for PC on Steam.
The update includes Mantle support and new Benchmark modes for both Mantle and DX11.
Mantle requires supporting hardware, AMD Catalyst™ 14.9, Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8 users can update to 8.1 for free).
All in all, even this first pass of Mantle has delivered all that we’d hoped for:
Improved frame rate
Reduced CPU power consumption (important for laptops)
Less susceptible to frame rate spikes when other programs hit the CPU
Future scalability with higher numbers of cores
Scope for increasing scene and world complexity
Ability to increase the CPU budget for other systems like AI.
The last two points are more relevant to our future games, and for now we need to see how this first pass of Mantle behaves in the wild and fix any issues that come up, before moving onto new features and improvements that would make sense to add to Sniper Elite 3. One big area that we haven't yet addressed which needs investigating is multiple GPU support - this can be a tricky area to get right.
The way DirectX11 handles multiple GPUs is “AFR” or Alternate Frame Rendering, which as the name suggests means if you have two comparably powered GPUs they simply take turns rendering frames. This is in many respects the easiest approach to take – and is a great way of making your game CPU bound! So possibly our Mantle version could show some big improvements when using this method.
However, with the independent control over the GPUs Mantle gives us, we could approach the problem very differently - for example one GPU could be rendering the basic geometry in the scene, while another handles lighting and shadows for the same frame, with the final image composited at the end. This may also provide a route for when GPUs aren’t of a comparable power level – for example an integrated APU motherboard coupled with a desktop GPU. It’s the potential for completely new approaches like this which excites me the most about Mantle and the APIs which will follow it.
mochos2 escribió:yo lo he probado en 3 juegos:
-Battlefiel 4 = tirones muy de vez en cuando y por ejemplo, saltos de 68 fps a 48 estando quieto y con la pantalla mostrando lo mismo.
- Plantas vs Zombies Warfare = en este lo pongo directamente en dx pq con dx va bien, con mantle pega tirones algo parecido al BF4, no puedo ver los fps. Tengo que probarlo con los drivers nuevos.
- Thief = en este no pega tirones y va mejor que con dx, pero lo de este juego en dx no me parece normal, yo creo que para el juego que es con ese motor y esos gráficos deberia ir mucho mejor. No me extrañaria que este juego esté vendido a mantle.
Yo tambien diría que no le veo mucho futuro a esto, o quiza con el tiempo vayan mejorando el tema, pero tal como está ahora no le veo futuro.
Probotector escribió:Fantastica noticia, gracias por avisar, ..
Kennggin escribió:¿Se sabe el equipo que han usado para las pruebas? La diferencia entre tener Mantle activado o no supone prácticamente un 40% mas de rendimiento en el caso de la 290X, simplemente impresionante.
Estaría bien tener capturas para comprobar si la calidad de imagen es igual a la de DirectX.
Gaming Benchmarks Test Systems
CPU Intel Core i7-4770K (4x 3.5-3.9GHz, 8MB L3)
Overclocked to 4.1GHz
Motherboard Gigabyte G1.Sniper M5 Z87
Memory 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-1866 CL9
GPUs Sapphire Radeon R9 280
Sapphire Radeon R9 280X
Gigabyte Radeon R9 290X
EVGA GeForce GTX 770
EVGA GeForce GTX 780
Zotac GeForce GTX 970
Reference GeForce GTX 980
GeForce GTX 980M (MSI GT72 Dominator Pro)
GeForce GTX 880M (MSI GT70 Dominator Pro)
GeForce GTX 870M (MSI GS60 Ghost 3K Pro)
GeForce GTX 860M (MSI GE60 Apache Pro)
Storage Corsair Neutron GTX 480GB
Power Supply Rosewill Capstone 1000M
Case Corsair Obsidian 350D
Operating System Windows 7 64-bit
TRASTARO escribió:Resultados de el ultimo juego que usa mantle [imagen subida por paconan] con las relaciones minimas de FPS logrados.
Rivroner escribió:Vamos, que esto sigue siendo mediohumo.
paconan escribió:wwwendingo, la culpa es mia porque yo quien subí la foto.
una pregunta tonta...
no se supone que el mantle lo que más mejora son los mínimos, y en menor medida en configs altas los medios?
paconan escribió:vienes a decir que amd gestiona mal estas draw calls o como se llame de base, amd lo soluciona en parte con el mantle pero nvidia lo ha logrado mejorar mejor no?
puede que si las graficas amd no lo gestionan bien de base.... tampoco se gestione bien usando mantle, pues nvidia lo ha logrado con dx 11, siendo la api más limitada o complicada.
Correcto? lo entendí?
si es así miedo me da nvidia cuando salgan los dx12, visto lo que ha conseguido nvidia desde que optimizó sus drivers
KailKatarn escribió:Me parto, sin más:
No sólo sueltas ese rollo y sigues hablando de saturación del driver únicamente basándote en una única review, que bueno, no seré yo quien diga en que puede fijarse la gente o no, pero es que encima me lo dice el tio e inclusive insiste en una review donde se puede ver a una 290X sin mantle ganando a una 970 en DX (que vaya tela para justificar lo que intenta justificar) sino que por si fuese poco, luego corona con mantle.
Sí, sin lugar a dudas hasta en la única review que se quiere basar se puede ver que de saturación 0 vía driver sino que encima cuando se usa MANTLE se corona y de largo la solución de AMD.
Menudas lecciones que se intentan dar, se puede ver saturación del driver a todas luces. Está más que claro.
paconan escribió:...
KailKatarn escribió:Review de anantech: ... yond-earth
En la REVIEW FAVORITA de wwwendigo utilizan un 4770k@4.1 ghz con los 344.48 así que para comparar con esa review deberías de bajar el micro a 4.1ghz y aun así tienes 2 cores más + 2 hilos más por HT y por descontado la gráfica a STOCK, que es como la pasan en toda la review.
Si además tenemos encuenta esto:
Y esto:
Donde se puede ver que es un juego que además de agradecer un buen IPC también paraleliza algo también agradeciendo un 5960X como un loco (ese que wwwendigo comentaba que para jugar no valían para nada, que lo importante es el IPC y que no subían nada de nada) pues ... no sé que es lo que esperas demostrar con tus resultados.
Eso sí, buen intento de rescate. Ahora lo que te falta es compararlo con alguien que pueda presentar datos con un 5960X, que nos vamos a reir.