Ha salido una nueva aplicacion que permite ejecutar un xex, permitiendo configurar la ruta del xex.
La aplicacion consiste en dos ficheros, default.xex y config.ini,
//Path is case sensitive and must be on the first line of this file.
// Supported directories to launch from are as follows...
// hdd:\
// usb:\
// dvd:\
// Please be aware usb:\ will refer to the first usb mass storage device plugged in to the Xbox since power on.
// I.e. If you have a usb stick plugged in, then you plug in a usb hdd to a second usb port. This app will attempt to launch
// the executable from the usb stick as it was the first device plugged in.
//This lets you launch games etc. straight from the NXE dashboard. Update the config file, then create a LIVE file using Le_Fluffe or XLAST.
Despues de configurar el fichero config.ini hay que crear un PIRS con el XLAST o Le_Fluffe.
Aqui teneis los tutoriales.
Puede ser una opcion interesante para poder lanzar todas las aplicaciones delde el dashboard original.
ACTUALIZACION: Ha salido una nueva version que genera el PIRS de forma automatica.
Mas informacionACTUALIZACION:
Gracias midway por el aviso.
Version 1.2
Team XeDev released a new version of QuickBoot. QuickBoot allows you to build "short cut" LIVE containers that will allow you to launch applications directly from NXE.
What's new/fixed:
* Added AutoBuild option to scan specified directory and automatically build QuickBoot containers. This is intended to be used with games and games are expected to be stored on either USB:\Games or HDD:\Games.
Official Site: n/a, by Team XeDev
Download: n/a (contains files built with XDK)
Full NFO/Readme: xbins.org
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