Me he topado con unos scans de un antiguo y bastante desconocido art-book de Capcom de 1992 donde se muestran bocetos e ideas de lo que iba a ser SF II:

Page 1These were the very first rough sketches of what would become Street Fighter II, done in the fall of 1988. The idea was that the event would be held on a deserted island converted for that purpose.
The island image would scroll on-screen to show the next destination, culminating at the top of the island. The character order would be fixed as each character’s stage went along in turn. The eight character designs would all have been playable.
Page 2There’s a look at some rejected character designs – there’s a ripoff of the guy from Fist of the North Star, a generic policeman, a ripoff of Tiger Mask, an S&M-looking ‘bullfighter’, Gen with no clothes and a stick, NINJA, another generic fighter, and of course a Ugandan mystic.
Page 3A few rejected scenario designs, and finally the first roughing-out of what would be our eight playable characters. Note that some names are not in place yet: Honda is called simply “Sumo”, Chun Li is “China-Daughter”, Dhalsim is still “Indian”, Blanka is “Beast-man,” and Zangief is … “Vodka Gobalsky.”
Page 4Here are some embarrassing early photos of the characters we know and love. A very rough sketch of a very hairy Blanka – who at this point was called Hamablanka, for some reason. Then there’s Kenryu in the middle. And then there’s Vodka, looking very not-Russian with a one-strap top and an anchor tattoo. Apparently a pro wrestler at this point.
Bottom row there’s the later version of Chun Li, the first, waifish version of “China-Daughter”, and finally the single worst idea for Dhalsim ever.
Page 5Knights-Templar version of Vega and some detailed sketches of Zangief’s and Ken’s stages

Mi primer post en clásicas :P