[Scene Wii U] Filtrado el kExploit para firmwares 5.5.X

Filtrado el kExploit para 5.5.X:
The Wii U Kernel exploit for 5.5 that has been left right and center of discussions on the Wii U scene recently, was just leaked a couple of hours ago on GBATemp. This exploit lets you run Loadiine (Wii U backup launcher), Cafiine, and a bunch of other cool tools. The exploit is compatible with (at least) firmwares 5.5.0 and 5.5.1

Developer @NWPlayer1234, one of the people behind the exploit (along with Marionumber1) has confirmed the leak is the real thing. It’s a full fledged exploit and people have already been confirming they can run Loadiine and other tools with it.

The leak happens a few days after NWPlayer1234 “suggested” someone leaked the exploit. It turns out one of the exploit’s handful of beta testers who had access to the file probably took the suggestion a bit too seriously.

Esta madrugada se ha filtrado el kernel exploit para consolas Wii U con el último firmware 5.5.1.
Con el es posible tanto la carga de homebrew como de backups. Coincide en el tiempo con la liberación ayer de las herramientas utilizadas por Smealum para el esperado IOSU Exploit del que su desarrollo ha quedado suspendido por el momento.

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