At the meeting, Activision Blizzard showcased new games that would make sense for in-game ads, including the vaguely titled “Guitar Hero 5,” which included a screen shot of gameplay with a Burger King ad to the right of the note highway.
The publisher confirmed rumors that “Tony Hawk” will be different this year. “You’re not going to be playing this game with a controller in your hands,” said the company. The new “Tony Hawk” arrives on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and DS in October.
Additionally, Activision Blizzard acknowledged the “Call of Duty” series will move forward yet again with “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2″ coming this fall. No details on the game were released.
We’ve also heard rumors that Bizarre Creations was working on a racing-oriented “James Bond” game, which have turned out to be true. The original Bond adventure, not tied to a movie storyline, is coming this September. The former “Project Gotham Racing” studio is also working on an original racing IP for the publisher, which they tagged as “‘Mario Kart’ meets ‘Forza.’”
Curiously, the lineup included absolutely no Blizzard Entertainment games.
Y también Guitar Hero 5, Tony Hawk, y un juego de carreras a lo Bond.
Se mostró una captura de Guitar Hero 5 con publicidad de Burger King de fondo, por lo que podemos suponer que Activion Blizzard está apostando fuerte por la publicidad ingame.
Tony Hawk llegará en Octubre y no se jugará con el mando tradicional. Lo más probable es que metan una tabla de skate como accesorio.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2… ejem. Llegará a finales de 2009 y lo más seguro es que está siendo desarrollado por Infinity Ward.
Y por último, un juego de James Bond orientado a las carreras, otra aventura de Bond completamente nueva en Septiembre, y también un juego que vienen a ser Mario Kart + Forza (a saber lo que quiere decir eso… me recuerda a Full Auto). ... onference/