Nota del moderador: existe otro hilo que contiene información mas actualizada
aquí. este hilo se mantiene como informativo.
no se si estaba posteado pero no encontre nada. is designed to allow booting of 1:1 backup discs on your Wii.
* Allow booting of 1:1 Wii Disc backups
* Region/Video patching to allow booting of imported discs and backups of imports
* As close to 100% compatibility as possible
* Compatibility with consoles of all drive types
* Allow booting of non-standard ISO9660 Homebrew Wii discs
* Store configuration to SD or USB drive to allow configurable autoboot
* Ability to use Ocarina-style codes
* Compatibility with Waninkoko's decrypted disc format
* Runtime patching of the System Menu & Starlet to use the Disc Channel to load discs
* Remove the need for any cIOS
* Allow 6x drive speed while running backup discs