Here is the Electronic Voucher assigned to your Amazon order number (xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx) for the Wonderful Edition you ordered. This Reservation Voucher reserves a serial numbered physical copy of Summon Night 6 WE for you.
Your Electronic Reservation Voucher Code and Wonderful Edition platform are:
Summon Night 6 Wonderful Edition
We're debugging the game now and estimate the game will be manufactured and received from Sony manufacturing in approximately 8 weeks at which point your physical version will be automatically sent to the shipping address you provided us with your order here:
If you ordered more than one copy, you'll receive an email like this containing an Electronic Reservation Voucher for EACH order. You should not have to do anything except keep this code in case something goes wrong with your order. All the e-vouchers will be fulfilled with physical product that is shipped automatically, so this voucher code is just a safety backup for you. If you have changed your address, watch your email and our Twitter account as we'll send a "last call" email with an email address you can use to make any changes to your shipping address.
Videos of the English version in action will be showing up online in the next week or so! Please check our main page at ,
@GAIJINWORKS on Twitter, and our fan forums at for more information or to just geek out with other like-minded fans.
Thanks again for your support of this effort. You're helping to change gaming for the better, one game at a time!
If you have any issues or questions, our new customer service person can be reached at
Victor Ireland