DRaGMaRe escribió:Como su nombre dice, hace una lista con los canales y saves que hay en nuestra WII.
Especifica si son juegos, canales de sistema, canales descargados....
Cuando acaba crear un .txt en la SD y vuelve al Canal Hombrew
Está muy bien, gracias por la apli.
Me salen algunos repetidos varias veces
4: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
5: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
6: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
7: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
8: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
Porque pasa esto?
suloku escribió:Me ha costado horrores aunque pueda parecer una pijada y que sea facil, pero con tanta version de libogc, livfat y del devkitppc, no habia manera de que compilara y funcionase, pero por fin lo he conseguido.
Me da rabia que si por ejemplo lo hubiera echo waninkoko que ya lo tiene todo montado y funcionando, en 5 minutos lo habria tenido listo y con tiempo de sobras para fumarse un cigarrillo...pero bueno, es lo que hay.
Todos los creditos son para bushing por la aplicacion, yo solo he echo que lo que aparece en pantalla tambien se cree en un archivo llamado titles.txt en la raiz de la SD, asi podremos mirar en todo momento lo que tenemos en nuestra wii.
corsarioxxx escribió:Edit:He estado buscando una lista mas completa de ids pero no la he encontrado
¿Y el "hidden? channel" que puede ser? ¿Algo sobre el sistema?
13: Title=10008-48414c50 (hidden? channel 'HALP') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
14: Title=10008-48414b50 (hidden? channel 'HAKP') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
Me autorespondo... (copy paste de wiibrew)
Title-ID-reference_1 and Title-ID-reference_2
These two looks like two Title-ID:s. On most files I have analyzed they are: 00 01 00 08 HALP and 00 01 00 08 HAKP (this is from a PAL Wii). However, on Super Mario/NES I found 00 01 00 02 HAFP and 00 01 00 02 HAGA. A guess is that they might stipulate some kind of dependencies on system files.
PD: A mi no me salen canales repetidos en la lista
Dj-Celta escribió:Waninkoko esta limpio.
Found 117
1: Title=10004-52464e50 (game channel 'RFNP') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS33
2: Title=10004-524d4350 (game channel 'RMCP') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS36
3: Title=10001-48415450 (downloaded channel 'HATP') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS35
4: Title=10001-57423650 (downloaded channel 'WB6P') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS33
5: Title=10001-57425345 (downloaded channel 'WBSE') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS35
6: Title=10001-574c5745 (downloaded channel 'WLWE') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS33
7: Title=10001-46414750 (downloaded channel 'FAGP') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS17
8: Title=10001-48415858 (downloaded channel 'HAXX') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS35
9: Title=10001-48415050 (downloaded channel 'HAPP') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS35
10: Title=10001-48414a50 (downloaded channel 'HAJP') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS31
11: Title=10001-48415750 (downloaded channel 'HAWP') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS21
12: Title=10001-48414450 (downloaded channel 'HADP') vers: 1.1 (257) FW: IOS34
13: Title=10008-48414c4a (hidden? channel 'HALJ') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
14: Title=10008-48414b4a (hidden? channel 'HAKJ') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
15: Title=10008-48414c50 (hidden? channel 'HALP') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
16: Title=10008-48414b50 (hidden? channel 'HAKP') vers: 0.2 (2) FW: IOS31
17: Title=10002-48415941 (system channel 'HAYA') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS31
18: Title=10002-48414750 (system channel 'HAGP') vers: 0.7 (7) FW: IOS31
19: Title=10002-48414650 (system channel 'HAFP') vers: 0.7 (7) FW: IOS31
20: Title=10002-48414741 (system channel 'HAGA') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS13
21: Title=10002-48414241 (system channel 'HABA') vers: 0.10 (10) FW: IOS31
22: Title=10002-48414641 (system channel 'HAFA') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS13
23: Title=10002-48414141 (system channel 'HAAA') vers: 255.0 (65280) FW: IOS13
24: Title=10002-48414341 (system channel 'HACA') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS31
25: Title=10000-524e4258 (savedata for 'RNBX') FW: IOS21
26: Title=10000-52535145 (savedata for 'RSQE') FW: IOS35
27: Title=10000-524d4f50 (savedata for 'RMOP') FW: IOS21
28: Title=10000-524f4250 (savedata for 'ROBP') FW: IOS21
29: Title=10000-52543550 (savedata for 'RT5P') FW: IOS21
30: Title=10000-52423450 (savedata for 'RB4P') FW: IOS21
31: Title=10000-52425550 (savedata for 'RBUP') FW: IOS21
32: Title=10000-52505050 (savedata for 'RPPP') FW: IOS9
33: Title=10000-52534350 (savedata for 'RSCP') FW: IOS17
34: Title=10000-52424250 (savedata for 'RBBP') FW: IOS21
35: Title=10000-52423445 (savedata for 'RB4E') FW: IOS21
36: Title=10000-52495250 (savedata for 'RIRP') FW: IOS33
37: Title=10000-52435050 (savedata for 'RCPP') FW: IOS9
38: Title=10000-52334445 (savedata for 'R3DE') FW: IOS21
39: Title=10000-52435650 (savedata for 'RCVP') FW: IOS9
40: Title=10000-52474345 (savedata for 'RGCE') FW: IOS21
41: Title=10000-52474850 (savedata for 'RGHP') FW: IOS21
42: Title=10000-00494e53 (savedata for '.INS') FW: IOS33
43: Title=10000-524d4745 (savedata for 'RMGE') FW: IOS33
44: Title=10000-524e5a45 (savedata for 'RNZE') FW: IOS21
45: Title=10000-525a4450 (savedata for 'RZDP') FW: IOS9
46: Title=10000-52574545 (savedata for 'RWEE') FW: IOS21
47: Title=10000-524a4d50 (savedata for 'RJMP') FW: IOS21
48: Title=10000-52495045 (savedata for 'RIPE') FW: IOS21
49: Title=10000-52534245 (savedata for 'RSBE') FW: IOS36
50: Title=10000-00555045 (savedata for '.UPE') vers: 0.9 (9) FW: IOS4
51: Title=10000-5257454a (savedata for 'RWEJ') FW: IOS21
52: Title=10000-52355058 (savedata for 'R5PX') FW: IOS21
53: Title=10000-524e4845 (savedata for 'RNHE') FW: IOS21
54: Title=10000-52425750 (savedata for 'RBWP') FW: IOS21
55: Title=10000-52445350 (savedata for 'RDSP') FW: IOS21
56: Title=10000-524d3258 (savedata for 'RM2X') FW: IOS21
57: Title=10000-52464250 (savedata for 'RFBP') FW: IOS21
58: Title=10000-524e5250 (savedata for 'RNRP') FW: IOS21
59: Title=10000-4841384a (savedata for 'HA8J') FW: IOS21
60: Title=10000-52534e58 (savedata for 'RSNX') FW: IOS21
61: Title=10000-5253424a (savedata for 'RSBJ') FW: IOS36
62: Title=10000-0055504a (savedata for '.UPJ') vers: 0.8 (8) FW: IOS4
63: Title=10000-52424150 (savedata for 'RBAP') FW: IOS17
64: Title=10000-52535950 (savedata for 'RSYP') FW: IOS21
65: Title=10000-52455850 (savedata for 'REXP') FW: IOS9
66: Title=10000-52385050 (savedata for 'R8PP') FW: IOS21
67: Title=10000-52533350 (savedata for 'RS3P') FW: IOS17
68: Title=10000-524b4d50 (savedata for 'RKMP') FW: IOS17
69: Title=10000-52445650 (savedata for 'RDVP') FW: IOS21
70: Title=10000-52424e58 (savedata for 'RBNX') FW: IOS21
71: Title=10000-52533945 (savedata for 'RS9E') FW: IOS21
72: Title=10000-52475350 (savedata for 'RGSP') FW: IOS21
73: Title=10000-52503250 (savedata for 'RP2P') FW: IOS21
74: Title=10000-525a5050 (savedata for 'RZPP') FW: IOS21
75: Title=10000-52425745 (savedata for 'RBWE') FW: IOS21
76: Title=10000-48415a41 (savedata for 'HAZA') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS31
77: Title=10000-524e5059 (savedata for 'RNPY') FW: IOS21
78: Title=10000-52504250 (savedata for 'RPBP') FW: IOS21
79: Title=10000-524b4450 (savedata for 'RKDP') FW: IOS21
80: Title=10000-524e5045 (savedata for 'RNPE') FW: IOS21
81: Title=10000-52454450 (savedata for 'REDP') FW: IOS9
82: Title=10000-52575345 (savedata for 'RWSE') FW: IOS21
83: Title=10000-524d4750 (savedata for 'RMGP') FW: IOS33
84: Title=10000-524d3350 (savedata for 'RM3P') FW: IOS28
85: Title=10000-52463859 (savedata for 'RF8Y') FW: IOS21
86: Title=10000-52444250 (savedata for 'RDBP') FW: IOS9
87: Title=10000-00555044 (savedata for '.UPD') FW: IOS4
88: Title=10000-00555050 (savedata for '.UPP') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS4
89: Title=10000-52345150 (savedata for 'R4QP') FW: IOS21
90: Title=10000-52463250 (savedata for 'RF2P') FW: IOS17
91: Title=10000-52484150 (savedata for 'RHAP') FW: IOS9
92: Title=10000-524d5550 (savedata for 'RMUP') FW: IOS9
93: Title=10000-52533358 (savedata for 'RS3X') FW: IOS17
94: Title=10000-52535050 (savedata for 'RSPP') FW: IOS9
95: Title=1-0 (IOS0)
96: Title=1-25 (IOS37) vers: 8.22 (2070)
97: Title=1-24 (IOS36) vers: 4.18 (1042)
98: Title=1-e (IOS14) vers: 1.1 (257)
99: Title=1-21 (IOS33) vers: 4.16 (1040)
100: Title=1-23 (IOS35) vers: 4.16 (1040)
101: Title=1-1c (IOS28) vers: 5.8 (1288)
102: Title=1-16 (IOS22) vers: 3.4 (772)
103: Title=1-22 (IOS34) vers: 4.15 (1039)
104: Title=1-1f (IOS31) vers: 4.16 (1040)
105: Title=1-1e (IOS30) vers: 4.16 (1040)
106: Title=1-15 (IOS21) vers: 2.5 (517)
107: Title=1-11 (IOS17) vers: 2.0 (512)
108: Title=1-14 (IOS20) vers: 0.12 (12)
109: Title=1-d (IOS13) vers: 0.10 (10)
110: Title=1-c (IOS12) vers: 0.6 (6)
111: Title=1-b (IOS11) vers: 0.10 (10)
112: Title=1-f (IOS15) vers: 1.4 (260)
113: Title=1-101 (MIOS) vers: 0.5 (5)
114: Title=1-100 (BC) vers: 0.2 (2)
115: Title=1-2 (System Menu) vers: 1.34 (290) FW: IOS30
116: Title=1-9 (IOS9) vers: 2.4 (516)
117: Title=1-4 (IOS4) vers: 0.3 (3)
Rula por ahí una versión .wad (Sólo hay que dumpear la Nand) Te quitará el .tik y y el .tmd pero te sigue dejando restos.
Found 70 titles:
1: Title=10004-524d4350 (game channel 'RMCP') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS36
2: Title=10001-57444d50 (downloaded channel 'WDMP') FW: IOS37
3: Title=10001-57564345 (downloaded channel 'WVCE') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS33
4: Title=10001-57425345 (downloaded channel 'WBSE') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS35
5: Title=10001-5742354a (downloaded channel 'WB5J') vers: 1.0 (256) FW: IOS33
Found 69 titles:
1: Title=10004-524d4350 (game channel 'RMCP') vers: 0.1 (1) FW: IOS36
2: Title=10001-57564345 (downloaded channel 'WVCE') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS33
3: Title=10001-57425345 (downloaded channel 'WBSE') vers: 0.3 (3) FW: IOS35
4: Title=10001-5742354a (downloaded channel 'WB5J') vers: 1.0 (256) FW: IOS33
5: Title=10001-48415450 (downloaded channel 'HATP') vers: 0.4 (4) FW: IOS35
DRaGMaRe escribió:Yo no me refiero a eso
Me refiero a que quedan "archivos"
Y no son palabras mías, son palabras de marcan.