Tragar semen aleja la posibilidad de cáncer en la mujer

1, 2, 3 ... s-mujeres/


La mujeres que a menudo tragan el semen de sus parejas tienen un 40% menos de probabilidades de desarrollar un cáncer. Así lo afirman los investigadores de la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte, (EEUU), según informa la revista estadounidense Woman.

“Yo animo a todas las mujeres del mundo a que practiquen la felación y que ésta, se convierta en la rutina más importante de su vida diaria” afirma la doctora Helena Shifteer, directora del grupo de científicos que realizaron el estudio sobre los efectos del semen.

La doctora Shifteer dice también que ella siempre se traga el semen de su marido y, para que el método sea efectivo, debe practicarse al menos dos veces por semana.

El semen contiene muchos elementos para estimular el esperma: como las vitaminas C y B12, minerales como el calcio, magnesio, fósforo, potasio y zinc. Además es rico en proteínas, sodio, colesterol y azúcares.

Estas propiedades que a la vista parecen ser de cualquier alimento como el yogurt o una manzana, las entrega precisamente la ingesta de esperma que derrama tu pareja cada vez que tienen sexo.

Desde la antigüedad, en los tiempos de Cleopatra, se conocían los beneficios de este “compuesto” como método para rejuvenecer y embellecer la piel.

Leyendas provenientes de los registros que se encontraron en papiros de la época cuentan que la bella reina egipcia tenía a su disposición un esclavo que le proveía de este líquido para aplicarse todas las noches la sustancia en el rostro. Ese era su secreto para preservar su belleza y juventud.

En otras culturas, no servía precisamente como método de belleza. En Japón, el término bukkake, implicaba un castigo para las mujeres infieles, donde el semen era el actor principal. Eran roceadas con esperma por varios hombres a modo de sanción por su deslealtad. Hoy la técnica ha pasado a convertirse en un perfecto juego sexual para los menos prejuiciosos.
Fuente: la Republica digital

Contra la depresión

La revista New Scientist determinó que el semen es un poderoso antidepresivo. El estudio realizado en la State University of New York, arrojó en una muestra de 293 mujeres en 5 grupos que las que estaban más expuestas al semen fueron las menos deprimidas.

Se afirma que el semen tiene un efecto más bien “simbólico”. Los expertos dicen que “se trata de “una unión expresada físicamente, donde ella siente que de alguna manera se está expresando un vínculo emocional con la pareja a través del semen.”

El vínculo emocional sería el que generaría en la persona “un mejor estado de ánimo, lo que se podría traducir en una protección cardiovascular”, se afirma. Para los sexólogos “toda la sexualidad, el orgasmo, la relación en pareja y el semen, aumentan la calidad de vida, que se traduce en más años”.

Según, el semen contiene los siguientes componentes, que podrían tener algún beneficio:

- Ácido ascórbico (vitamina C, para el mantenimiento del tejido)

- Antígenos (del sistema inmunitario)

- Calcio (minerales)

- Cloro (agente oxidante, parte del complejo de vitamina B)

- Ácido cítrico (se produce durante el metabolismo celular)

- Creatina (una sustancia nitrogenada que se encuentran en el músculo)

- El ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN)

- Fructosa (azúcar utilizada para la energía)

- Glutatión (péptido de aminoácidos)

- Glicoproteínas (agente de lucha contra el cáncer)

- Hialuronidasa (enzima)

- Inositol (azúcar que se encuentra en los músculos)

- El ácido láctico (subproducto de uso de los músculos)

- Magnesio (minerales)

- Nitrógeno (gas que se encuentran en todos los tejidos vivos)

- Fósforo (minerales)

- Prostaglandinas (bueno para el embarazo)

- Potasio (mineral)

- Purinas (compuestos de ácido úrico)

- Pirimidina (base orgánica)

- Ácido pirúvico (formado a partir de glucosa o glucógeno)

- Selenio (agente de lucha contra el cáncer)

- Sodio (sal)

- Espermidina (enzima catalizadora)

- Espermina (compuesto de amonio que se encuentran en el esperma)

- Vitamina B12 (para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema nervioso y el metabolismo)

- Zinc (mineral)
panoramix85 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Un saludo a las ITS.
chakal256 está baneado del subforo por "Faltas de respeto reiteradas"
Todo eso lleva el semen? Y yo tirando el dinero en proteinas y mierdas xD
panoramix85 escribió:Un saludo a las ITS.

Me gustaría haber estado presente en el proceso de selección de voluntarias para semejante estudio
cash está baneado por "This is the end, my only friend, the end"
Ya lo sabeis eolianas, que no se desperdicie ni una sola gota.
apuntadme en la lista de donantes voluntarios
panoramix85 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
raul_sanchez1 escribió:
panoramix85 escribió:Un saludo a las ITS.


Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual.
panoramix85 escribió:
raul_sanchez1 escribió:
panoramix85 escribió:Un saludo a las ITS.


Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual.

Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual.
Falta la coletilla:

"Estudio patrocinado por Torbe, Max Cortés, Rocco Siffredi y 800.000 asociaciones de varones sexualmente activos de todo el planeta..."

Va a tener hasta antimateria el semen
insert-brain escribió:
panoramix85 escribió:
raul_sanchez1 escribió:¿ETS?

Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual.

Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual.

Ingenierías Técnicas Superiores :o .

Rojos saludos.
Curioso... solo en la mujer? xD
ionesteraX escribió:Curioso... solo en la mujer? xD

Jajajajaja, cierto, no me había fijado en ese matiz de la noticia. Supongo que el semen alejará la posibilidad de cáncer en ambos sexos.
A ver si va a ser un estudio hecho por hombres para lo que les interese... [looco]
ionesteraX escribió:Curioso... solo en la mujer? xD

Corte de rollo en 3,2,1...
“Yo animo a todas las mujeres del mundo a que practiquen la felación y que ésta, se convierta en la rutina más importante de su vida diaria” afirma la doctora Helena Shifteer, directora del grupo de científicos

Viciosilla... :p
Ya estoy viendo en los hospitales la Sementerapia.


PD: Me ofrezco como donante.
Refresco de semen carbonatado By PepsiCo en 3, 2, 1...
raul_sanchez1 escribió:
panoramix85 escribió:Un saludo a las ITS.


ExtraTerrestre Soltero XD
Vava vaya, asi que nuestras actrices favoritas duraran años y años ejerciendo la profesión que tanto nos gusta sin miedo al cancer.
¡Feliz 2003 a todos!

(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental y no hay quien se la trague (oh, qué chistazo XD).

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Que alguien escriba a los del pseudoperiódico ese y les recomiende usar Google la próxima vez, por favor.
A muchos les gustaría ser el esclavo de Cleopatra XD
Dudeman Guymanington escribió:¡Feliz 2003 a todos!
(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental.

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Señor, es usted un aguafiestas...
Dudeman Guymanington escribió:
¡Feliz 2003 a todos!

(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental y no hay quien se la trague (oh, qué chistazo XD).

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Que alguien escriba a los del pseudoperiódico ese y les recomiende usar Google la próxima vez, por favor.

Exijo tu baneo de manera inminente y fulminante

[mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] XD XD XD XD
ooooohhhhhh (in decrescendo) .... entre el post de "solo a las mujeres" y tu aportacion .... creo que este hilo ha perdido todo el rollo XD XD XD XD XD XD
kai_dranzer20 está baneado por "Game Over"
Dudeman Guymanington escribió: No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, .

yo sí pensaba imprimirlo [buuuaaaa]

+1 con tu baneo [buuuaaaa]
Whar escribió:A muchos les gustaría ser el esclavo de Cleopatra XD

Donde hay que firmar.
Eres peor que el niño jodepedos que te dice que los reyes son los padres fuuuuuuueeeeeeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ratataaaa ratataaaa [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]
vaya ya me extrañaba a mi que fuese cierto... mas que nada por la composicion qe lo que si parece es que dará mucha energia [poraki]
kaopower escribió:vaya ya me extrañaba a mi que fuese cierto... mas que nada por la composicion qe lo que si parece es que dará mucha energia [poraki]

A mí mi profesor de Biología del instituto me dijo que el semen lo que tenía era proteínas y ácidos nucleicos, que está vacío de nutrientes, pero que al aportar proteínas pues algo de calorías sí que tiene. Pero vamos, que son calorías vacías como lo puede ser un redbull que no aporta nada.
Bueno, al menos me alegra saber que no evitaré la prevención de un cáncer, más que nada porque no es verdad. xD
y lo de la power balance tambien era mentira y mucha gente se lo creia... por intentarlo que no quede! imprimiendo...
Dudeman Guymanington escribió:¡Feliz 2003 a todos!

(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental y no hay quien se la trague (oh, qué chistazo XD).

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Que alguien escriba a los del pseudoperiódico ese y les recomiende usar Google la próxima vez, por favor.

¿A quién le importa si es verdad? Siempre habrá quien se lo trague.
Rugal_kof94 escribió:
Dudeman Guymanington escribió:¡Feliz 2003 a todos!

(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental y no hay quien se la trague (oh, qué chistazo XD).

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Que alguien escriba a los del pseudoperiódico ese y les recomiende usar Google la próxima vez, por favor.

¿A quién le importa si es verdad? Siempre habrá quien se lo trague.

Jajajajajaja ENORME!
vadercillo escribió:Eres peor que el niño jodepedos que te dice que los reyes son los padres fuuuuuuueeeeeeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ratataaaa ratataaaa [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]

¿Que los reyes qué?
Reportado por no ponerlo en spoiler. XD
Correte en el cancer...
Shantotto está baneado por "utilizar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Esto tiene que ir en primera página de todos los periódicos y castigar chivarse del hoax con cortar las cuerdas vocales y los deditos.
ayyy señor menos mal que me hice lesbiana XDDDD cáaaaancerrrrrr "allé voy" [poraki] [poraki] [poraki]
Burno, eso de que es falso habrá que demostrarlo, yo voy a empezar un estudio inmediatamente. Voy buscando a las candidatas...

Lo que hay que especificar en el estudio es que hay que tomar la medicina directamente de la fuente para que no se le vayan las vitaminas como al zumo.
Dudeman Guymanington escribió:¡Feliz 2003 a todos!

(Especialmente a los asiáticos).

Llevamos nueve años leyendo el mismo artículo una y otra vez. No_es_cierto. Lo siento mucho por si creíais que ibais a convencer a la parienta imprimiendo este hilo, pero es una trola monumental y no hay quien se la trague (oh, qué chistazo XD).

Claim: According to a university study, fellatio (oral sex) may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
(AP) - Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a recent study found.

Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.

In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.

[Rest of article here.]

Origins: No, this wasn't a real CNN page (or Associated Press article), nor did North Carolina State University perform a study on the connection between fellatio and breast cancer. (If nothing else, the names of the doctors cited in the article — "Dr. B.J. Sooner," "Dr. Inserta Shafteer," "Dr. Len Lictepeen" — should have given it away as a hoax.)

This article was a spoof by Brandon Williamson, a junior at North Carolina State University (NCSU), who mocked it up to look like a genuine article and made it available on the web through his NCSU account in September 2003.

After the article was popularized on the web in October 2003, reaching the inboxes of many people who failed to realize it was a spoof (and fooling some foreign newspapers, who apparently ran the article as a genuine news story), CNN and the Associated Press (AP) claimed it constituted an infringment of their intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Mr. Williamson eventually removed the graphical and textual references to CNN, AP, and NCSU from his article and posted an editorial explaining the reasons behind the changes. (The original version of the article can still be found on various web sites.)

According to Michele DeCamp, who interviewed the spoof's author, "for anyone that might be confused about the validity of the article, Williamson maintains his own naivete. 'I have no proof whatsoever that the two [fellatio and breast cancer] have anything to do with each other.'" ... fstory.php

Hale, ahí lo tenéis. Lo siento mucho :)

Que alguien escriba a los del pseudoperiódico ese y les recomiende usar Google la próxima vez, por favor.

chrisolidus escribió:ayyy señor menos mal que me hice lesbiana XDDDD cáaaaancerrrrrr "allé voy" [poraki] [poraki] [poraki]

No es excusa! Hay que evitar el cancer jamia. xDD
lo de todos los años... ya no sabes que inventarnos para que nos hagan un trabajito señores... siempre la misma historia [carcajad]
Adris escribió:
chrisolidus escribió:ayyy señor menos mal que me hice lesbiana XDDDD cáaaaancerrrrrr "allé voy" [poraki] [poraki] [poraki]

No es excusa! Hay que evitar el cancer jamia. xDD

moriré de cancer a prevenirlo tomando zumo de macho XD, prefiero el zumo de hembra que ese no tiene troèzones microscopicos de minimacho [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]
Algunos no necesitamos de estudios falsos.

P.D. [+risas]
No está el artículo en inglés para enseñarselo a mi novia?
chrisolidus escribió:
Adris escribió:
chrisolidus escribió:ayyy señor menos mal que me hice lesbiana XDDDD cáaaaancerrrrrr "allé voy" [poraki] [poraki] [poraki]

No es excusa! Hay que evitar el cancer jamia. xDD

moriré de cancer a prevenirlo tomando zumo de macho XD, prefiero el zumo de hembra que ese no tiene troèzones microscopicos de minimacho [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]

Oooh Oooh Oooh

[qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]

Shantotto está baneado por "utilizar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
chrisolidus escribió:
Adris escribió:
chrisolidus escribió:ayyy señor menos mal que me hice lesbiana XDDDD cáaaaancerrrrrr "allé voy" [poraki] [poraki] [poraki]

No es excusa! Hay que evitar el cancer jamia. xDD

moriré de cancer a prevenirlo tomando zumo de macho XD, prefiero el zumo de hembra que ese no tiene troèzones microscopicos de minimacho [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]

Tú misma, pero los tropezones de jembra en salsa de tomate no han demostrado su efectividad para el cáncer, ¿eh?
112 respuestas
1, 2, 3