Actualizacion abgx v1.0.5 (07/12/10)
abgx360 v1.0.5 released!
Changes affecting all platforms:
- Fixed a bug when AutoFixing or manually patching Video that would cause an AP25 replay sector to get blanked out (some functions were still using the old hardcoded value for Video padding size)
- Improved Game CRC progress indicator to prevent poor formatting if "Time Left" became more than 999 minutes
- Added progress indicators for Video CRC, SplitVid and SplitVid padding checks
- Now using bigbuffer when checking SplitVid which results in much faster performance when comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1 (especially when checking a burned DVD)
Note: The GUI has not been changed and will still display version 1.0.2, don't worry about it as long as the CLI app displays v1.0.5
Ya lo teneis disponible en su web: "Pagina oficial abgx360" :
abgx360 v1.0.4 released!
Changes affecting all platforms:
- AntiPiracy 2.5 (AP25) replay sector for iXtreme LT+ firmware is checked for when a game has the AP25 system flag in the Xex set or when its media ID matches a list updatable through abgx360.dat (Fable III is the only game so far that uses AP25 but does not have the AP25 system flag set)
- AP25 replay data is Verified/AutoFixed according to your settings, albeit separately from the normal INI based Verify/AutoFix, so make sure to read the entire abgx360 output
- Video padding size changed to support the new AP25 replay sector using a variable which is updatable through abgx360.dat in case additional stealth sectors are needed so that the video padding check will not blank them out
- Removed short explanations of ISO filesizes (unnecessary, hard to keep updated and misleading in terms of SplitVid; just because an ISO has the space for SplitVid doesn't mean it has valid SplitVid data in that space)
- gzip compression is now supported when abgx360 downloads certain files
- miscellaneous small changes
Note: The GUI has not been changed and will still display version 1.0.2, don't worry about it as long as the CLI app displays v1.0.4
Sacado del #fw: (confirma que solo hace falta pasarle el ultimo abgx para ponerle a los backups el ap2.5)
Como configurarlo, os pongo como lo tengo configurado en imagenes: (injecta automaticamente ap2.5 si esta en la base de datos)

De momento solo hay tres juegos que lleven la nueva proteccion ap2.5, que son:


Y aqui os pongo un ejemplo de un Fable III - PAL, como aun no estan los sectores ap2.5 que injecta el abgx para la version pal, nos da el siguiente error...

Cuando haga un backup de un Fable III - RF os pondre el ejemplo...
Es mi primer tuto, ahora que tengo tiempo
![fumando [fumando]](/images/smilies/nuevos/fumando.gif)
, espero que ayude a mucha gente...
Gracias a vosotros por esta gran comunidad...