TUTORIAL:- Compressing “The Curse of Monkey Island” and playing it on your PSP.
PSPSwampy from the PS2-dev forums has written this tutorial for compressing and playing your (bought) copy of "The Curse of Monkey Island" on your PSP. Enjoy!
(Tutorial written assuming you have v1.5 firmware) - Written By PSPSwampy 24/07/2005.
1. a PC
2. a PSP with firmware v1.5 (or v1, but this tutorial is designed for 1.5)
3. an original (bought) copy of “The Curse of Monkey Island” (monkey island 3)
4. a copy of SCUMMVM-PSP BETA3 (or higher!!! use beta4 for best performance, can be found here)
5. a copy of SCUMMVMQ+E (for PC) get it at
http://www.mixnmojo.com6. a copy of LAME.EXE (which comes in the ‘scummvm tool pack’ from
http://www.scummvm.org but you can probably find it elsewhere using google)
This tutorial assumes you already have the beta3 version of scummvm installed on your psp and you know how to “install” games for it (for info on this read the readme that comes with it and browse the net – its pretty basic so I won’t go into it here).
Here we go…
1. Copy files (listed below) from both CD’s onto your PC (in this example, I’m copying to C:\COMI\ directory
You should have ALL of the following files in your C:\COMI\ directory:-
COMI.LA0 (From cd1 or 2)
COMI.LA1 (From cd1)
COMI.LA2 (From cd2)
Plus a folder “RESOURCE” which should contain the following files:-
BBSAN.SAN (From cd1)
FG010GP.SAN (From cd1)
FONT0.NUT (From cd1 or 2)
FONT1.NUT (From cd1 or 2)
FONT2.NUT (From cd1 or 2)
FONT3.NUT (From cd1 or 2)
FONT4.NUT (From cd1 or 2)
KIS030.SAN (From cd2)
LANGUAGE.TAB (From cd1 or 2)
MUSDISK1.BUN (From cd1)
MUSDISK2.BUN (From cd2)
OPENING.SAN (From cd1)
SB010.SAN (From cd1)
SB020.SAN (From cd1)
SINKSHP.SAN (From cd1)
VOXDISK1.BUN (From cd1)
VOXDISK2.BUN (From cd2)
ZAP010.SAN (From cd2)
2. Now we need to compress the music, speech and animation files (*.SAN & *.BUN) to do this we will need the tools that come with SCUMMVMQ+E – you will need to download these if you have not already done so…
II. Click on the “Update” button and select “Daily Build” – this will download the tools required for the compression.
3. Now that you have the tools we need to make take a copy of the following tools (from the tools directory which is in the same folder as your copy of SCUMMVMQ+E) and place them all in the C:\COMI\RESOURCE\ directory.
“Lame.exe” (from the scummvm tool pack you downloaded separately)
I. Now we need to move the files around a bit… Move all .SAN & .BUN files into a new folder called “Original”, which you need to create within the “Resource” folder. Create another new folder called “Compress” within the “Resource” folder.
II. We will now compress the files… Create a new TXT file within the “Resource” folder call it what ever you want, but in this example I will call mine “GO Compression.TXT” edit this with notepad and paste in the following:-
compress_scumm_bun.exe MUSDISK1.BUN "original" "Compress"
compress_scumm_bun.exe MUSDISK2.BUN "original" "Compress"
compress_scumm_bun.exe VOXDISK1.BUN "original" "Compress"
compress_scumm_bun.exe VOXDISK2.BUN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe BBSAN.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe CURSERNG.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe FG010GP.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe FINALE.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe KIS030.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe LAVARIDE.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe LIFTCRSE.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe MORESLAW.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe NEWBOOTS.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe OPENING.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe SB010.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe SB020.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe SINKSHP.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe WRECKSAN.SAN "original" "Compress"
compress_san.exe ZAP010.SAN "original" "Compress"
@echo ALL DONE!!!!!
III. Now save the TXT file and then rename it from “GO Compression.TXT” to “GO Compression.BAT” – this changes it to a batch file which can be run.
IV. Run (double click) the .bat file you just created – you will see some nice dos text scrolling and changing – this will run for quite a while (about 20mins, probably slightly more). It is extracting the info from the .bun and .san files and recompressing it to MP3 format and then recompiling it into a new file (in the “compress” folder). When it is finished you will get a message “ALL DONE!!!!!” and be prompted to “Press any key to continue”.
V. Once completed copy the NEW (Smaller) files from the “Compress” folder back into the “resource” folder and delete the folders “Compress” and “original” – they are no longer required.
Note: For all the .SAN files, once compressed you will have a .SAN and a .MP3
(eg. BBSAN.SAN, compresses down to BBSAN.SAN & BBSAN.MP3)
VI. Now remove the Compression tools from the resource folder
and “GO Compression.bat”
4. Now copy the COMI folder to you PSP (assuming you have about 450mb spare!) and play it!
p.s. you can get better performance for the cutscenes by NOT compressing the .SAN files (just take that bit out of the 'code' above