The best usage of the Bond license to date, from all the gadgets and guns to the many worlds and play styles, FMVs and music -- very well done. Interface is simple, but adequate. 9.0
Amazing FPS engine draws beautiful worlds with exquisite detail and effects with no drop in framerate. Driving levels are less impressive. 8.0
Awesome. Screams Bond all around. Excellent voice work, FMV audio, music and sound effects, all in surround sound. 9.0
As a straight FPS, one of the better ones. Tight controls, smart level design, stealth and action elements, lots of weapons and gadgets. A bit easy. Driving levels less impressive. 8.0
Lasting Appeal
A solid single-player experience goes fast, but the multiplayer mode is strong enough to keep you coming back for more, and there are hidden unlockables to worry about too. 8.0
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 8.5