Increible noticion, copio y pego de maxconsole (post original de harleyg):
0x89 is a new PSP firmware that is currently being developed. It will be a totally new XMB for the sony PSP and in theory will replace the old XMB, allowing you to return to the old one simply by holding a button.
It will have the same features as the old XMB plus more, this includes video, photo, games, system settings, web browser and settings.
* harleyg - Project leader, Coder
* Zettablade - GUI Designer and coder
* jas0nuk - Module system coder
* whazilla - Coder
* Master InuYasha - Coder
* Piny - Graphics designer
* Settings - Nickname, Time and Date, Network, Update, Module Manager, Themes.
* Media - Video (PMP), Images (PNG, JPG, BMP), Video and Music streaming, Music (MP3, OGG).
* 0x89 (Games) - UMD (2.00+), Applications, Games, Downloads.
* Web browser - Links2?
* Other - Clean new interface, Homebrew icon support, Updates.
More information to come.
Lo dicho, van a cambiar todo el XBM de la PSP y añadirle nuevas cosas al firmware, como juegos, aplicaciones, posibilidad de escuchar OGG, etc.
A ver si alguien lo traduce todo completo