hola xboxers maniacos estate atento a tu emisora de radio favorita porque llega!!!!!
-Ninja gaiden
-DOA online
Y ¿JET SET RADIO 3? Ahhh pero que sorpresa
mirad y decidme si lo que se comenta aqui es de un futuro jsr3
What more needs to be said? Jet Set Radio Future is an awesome game from start to finish, and every single second is pure, unadulterated fun. Its outrageous style, infectious music, beautiful graphics and accessible gameplay will keep this title in my rotation for a long time. JSRF is a somewhat short game, clocking in at around 15 hours, and is somewhat on the easy side, which may turn off some advanced game players. And while it's definitely not for everyone, I personally adore this game, and feel it more than justifies the purchase of my Xbox. I sincerely hope its low sales don't ruin the chances of another sequel, because I'd be right there on day one to buy Jet Set Radio 3.