Vamos a completar esto con un poco mas de informacion, no? que asi queda muy triste...
The game is still to be finished
- Better circuits,graphic,kurbs reaction etc etc
- night races even more spectaculr thank to a new illumination engine
- a completally new wheel (pneumatic) physics engine, completly rewrote from sratch !
- They invested lot of human resource for a new netcode and it's yet improved of 20% respect GTR
- Improved Graphic for cars and tracks respect GTL and GTR , they says it's impressive atm.
- new tracks (28 !!!) , and all old tracks has been retouched at the point that they seems INEDHIT (some of the new tracks : Dubai,Zhunai,Valencia)
- New damage physics, with microfiber damage also. More spectacular and realistic
- All ufficial GT cars are available from the beginning. YOu can win also other cars(didnt understend how )
- Game will be on the stores and not online cause they want to sell it also to all people to make also young simmers aware of this products and not only of the old gtr users.
- New DYNAMIC WEATHER system. All reflection on the track when i rains are done in real time and when the rain finish to fall, the trajectory will be dry more and more after each laps and depending on the cars present on track and temperature. Not like in GTR where there was a fixed number of laps to clear the track/trajectory. All this will be simulated not only to a GRAPHIC LEVEL but also to a REALISTIC PHISICS LEVEL
- Added some more Game Modality to satisfy also new Simmers but they didnt want to go against old Simmers. So they did all in 1 game. Between this new game modality there is the DRIVING SCHOOL also.
- THere wont be any 3d Audio, only stereofonic audio like it's predecessor but with better campionaments of sounds.