kee escribió:Buenas, aporto mi caso, no tenia la consola bajada el fw, la tenia en 10.7 y entraba al homebrew por el zelda, al actualizar ya no funciona, al darle dice que el programa se ha cerrado por un error y se reinicia la consola.
Pues si, ya se dijo muchas veces, esta actualizacion jode oot3dhax, pero si ya actualizaste, puedes intentar lanzar oot3dhax con el payload de 10.7.0-32, si tienes calma y eres paciente, llegara el momento en el que se ejecute.
Por otro lado, aun continua el analisis de que cosas traee esta actualizacion. Aqui la lista actualizada al momento de escribir esto:
Change-log:NATIVE_FIRMThe ARM9 FIRM section is larger.
The only updated FIRM sysmodules are loader and pm.
svcBackdoor has been removed (on ARM11).
loaderExactly one function was updated: L_140022b8(same addr as previous version).
The codebin physical-memory randomization code introduced with 10.4.0-29 was updated so that it's now used for OoT3D and Cubic Ninja(checked in the same aforementioned order), for the USA+EUR+JPN titles. This means oot3dhax and ninjhax need updated to handle this. Using the pre-sysupdate exploit versions will result in the title randomly crashing, if you retry enough times it should run fine however.
pmTwo functions were updated for calling a new function for exheader handling.
This new function at L_101cfc immediately returns when the input programID isn't a CTR title / Cubic Ninja(USA/EUR/JPN uniqueID). This function removes all services in the exheader service-access-control which match services from a blacklist stored in pm-module. This blacklist contains two services: "http:C" and "soc:U".
This breaks QR-code ninjhax with the version available at the time of sysupdate release, since the QR-code build downloads the payload via HTTPC.
ARM11-kernelThe same lone function updated with v10.4 was updated with this version again.
3 new functions used for validation with memory management were added(kernelpanic() on failure). 57 functions were updated, at least 48 of these are the actual functions used for handling SVCs.
Those new functions use XOR + rotation(besides the checks which were already done in previous versions).
The function which initializes a memalloc heap(FCRAM memregions + the container which the SlabHeap is under), had a major update. This uses XOR + rotation code, and it also uses svcGetSystemTick.
The svcGetSystemTick + XOR/rotation code mentioned above is a new security feature for the kernel heaps(see above). This is intended to stop non-arm11kernel from modifying kernel heap memchunkhdrs. However, it's unknown how much the svcGetSystemTick() output really varies if anything(?) for each hard-boot during initialization of the heaps.
6 memory management functions were updated to use the above new functions, these func-calls replaced the validation code previously used in these functions in some cases. These were also updated for the above heap security implementation. One function had a validation func-call added where previously there wasn't any validation done in the beginning of the function for previous versions.
Another function(L_fff13b68 previously at L_fff13b68) was updated for offsets it uses, nothing else.
The function handling the arm11kernel exheader descriptors was updated, if anything changed besides the kernel-version value it seems minor.
Process9Various data was moved around in the .data section(.data is 0x99C-bytes smaller than before).
Before installing titles, including NATIVE_FIRM, AMPXI will now check the version of the title to install against a hard-coded list of (titleID, minimumVersionRequired) pairs. This applies to MSET, Home Menu, spider, ErrDisp, SKATER, NATIVE_FIRM, and every retail system module.
This effectively prevents downgrading.
AMPXI_InstallFIRM's firm-writing code has changed, though it seems it is only a refactor.
New3DSThe arm9loader wasn't changed at all.
Por el momento paso de traducir todo esto, ya que parece que pocos leyeron mi anterior traduccion. Pero a grandes rasgos esto es lo que hace esta actualizacion:
- Cerrado el svcBackdoor. (creo que lo usaban los downgrades)
- Ejecucion de los datos en memoria fisica de forma aleatoria en los juegos Zelda OoT3d y Cubic NInja para complicar la ejecucion de sus HAX. (se comenta que los hax se pueden actualizar para que vuelvan a funcionar, asi que en este caso toca esperar)
- Verificacion de los procesos iniciados por cubic ninja (que estos sean legales) para impedir la instalacion del hax usando el QR (impide su descarga desde la red, esta es la parte mas fea, por que es complicado hacer que esto vuelva a funcionar)
- Mejor seguridad para lo que se esta ejecutando en memoria, mejora la deteccion de los kernel panic, la modificacion del SVC, mejora en la encriptacion XOR.... Mejoro la seguridad para evitar la ejecucion de memchunkHAX (Por los visto ahora si ninty se lo tomo mas enserio)
- Ahora se verifica de una mejor forma que los titles sean las versiones correctas y no se intente instalar una version que este por debajo de la version minima permitida (Otro metodo mas para evitar el downgrade y reactivar viejos exploits como spider)
Pues por el momento esto lo que hay, espero y no tenga alguna otra sorpresa mas desagradable que lo que ya comente.