“For NDS Lite Only”! Sinking 错, 这 engaging in right EZ4 LITE normal position! The 虽 way NDS LITE immediate 总 销 quantitative 无 method giving Kamiichi suitable 长 single step 时 间 mark NDS phase ratio and nature 而 凭 borrowing arrival NDS LITE small skill yes human die body 设 计, 靓 丽 动 the human 屏 curtain 效 fruit, yes from here imaginative resident in future day child NDS LITE how 赶 super NDS, 那 么 让 广 the large NDS LITE time impression 遗 憾 mark 现 now main current 烧 录 卡 如 natural engaging in possession Ryo desired possession 进 conversion shape 态, 而 于 其 它 company guess coming out NDS LITE ahead the EZ company 则 抢 专 business 烧 录 卡 EZ4 LITE.
坦 white 说, 从 the previous heaven 开 it begins, our engaging in 对 same military officer procure EZ4 LITE being full 满 expectation, 而 now heaven 更 right cause 为 这 块 EZ4 LITE cause 导 致 our 损 losing one unit all the new mark European editions NDSL. Under 午 our original copy resident in classroom, empress coming connection arriving at Ryo it is pleasant 递 the mark 电 话, tower leaving taking case under the 于 right urgent 忙 engaging in 冲, the upper coming empress engaging in 发 现 releasing resident in 桌 child village surface NDSL non- 见 Ryo ......T_T
The 从 这 两 heaven 网 站 mark stationary word coming watching, 众 multi friend capital desired watching arriving at EZ4 LITE giving G6 LITE 对 ratios 评 测, nature 而 很 遗 憾, reaching now the G6 LITE capital sinking possession 发 cloth, the 而 电 shadow 卡 direction 也 暂 时 sinking possession offer 样 item and reason immediate thought watching 对 ratio 评 测 mark 玩 house 估 计 engaging in profit re-and so on and so on Ryo, times engaging in 单 纯 mark EZ4 LITE 评 测, 那 些 burying 怨 NDS 烧 录 卡 插 main point projection one on resident in NDS LITE 截 the mark 玩 house, yes watching good Ryo, 说 uncertainty EZ4 LITEEngaging in right 你 寻 找 已 Hisashi NDS LITE most it is good accompanying 侣 呢!
Outside packing 观 volume
Oneness past, the 这 个 right our watching arriving at EZ4 LITE packing empress 产 raw first impression, giving EZ4 unauthorized edition packing 极 其 类 to be similar, nature 而 其 active color 调 却 a little possession reforming 进, EZ4 outside unauthorized edition packing 壳 right American yellow, 而 EZ4 LITE packing 则 reforming 变 forming deeply gray, 这 样 one coming integral bodily sensation engaging in 强 multi Ryo, cause 为 EZ4 the unauthorized edition 那 种 packing possession point 给 person from here abbreviation 显 charge 价 the mark impression 觉. In regard to the same 时 幺 幺 也 发 现 Ryo packing one 些 small small mark reforming 进, original copy EZ4 unauthorized edition packing front surface sign possession “512Mb-8Gb” mark 标 will, 而 侧 surface 更 right line coming out Ryo 512Mb, 1Gb, 2Gb and 4Gb, 8Gb difference 标 识, EZ4 right circumscribed existence on the 实 际 储 卡 the mark 烧 录 设 备, the same 时 packing village surface 并 sinking possession 附 带 MINI SD 卡, the reason 这 个 设 计 纯 being attached picture snake attachment foot, 现 resident in EZ4 LITE packing surface cancellation Ryo 这 些 标 will, leaving with respect to watching it is clear 爽 multi Ryo.
EZ4 unauthorized edition packing omission 显 the multi a little more than marks 标 识
Hitting 开 EZ4 LITE packing, the 赫 way and right EZ4 general 风 case, resident in village surface 从 left going right leaving arrival EZ4 LITE, the SD 卡 读 卡 vessel, USB extending 长 线, outside the 而 揭 开 绒 质 胶 壳 empress 还 meeting 发 现 两 套 其 它 颜 color 备 换 壳 from here and 贴 纸, 幺 幺 mark EZ4 LITE right 冰 兰 color, reason 备 换 壳 则 right outside the mark it is deep 兰 color harmony white. Outside the 为 烧 录 卡 offer 备 换 壳, EZ company 这 个 clothes 务 值 profit 赞, the 虽 way most empress wool it comes out, resident in sheep circumstances, 但 right 这 样 exemption 却 business 户 the mark flax 烦, the 也 calculation right body 贴 business 户 the mark 举 动 Ryo.
While packing outside possession 两 张 备 换 壳
谈 Ryo packing and re-watching watching EZ4 LITE itself. We fear, 怕 the most person most 关 mental engaging in right 它 the mark body 积 问 题, sinking 错, EZ4 LITE largest 卖 point engaging in right 做 arriving at Ryo 插 进 NDSL 几 乎 non- projection and 这 right absorption 广 for large NDSL 户 the quantity of official before the mark neck main point causing and the 虽 way resident in 之 one engaging in 已 经 发 cloth Ryo EZ4 LITE efficiency going/participating, stopping arriving at Ryo EZ4 in the 其 LITE 插 进 NDSL empress meeting projection 0.8mm left and right, 而 并 non complete non- projection, reason our 拿 it comes out, on the EZ4 LITE empress first case thing engaging in right 马 插 进 NDSL 观 测 concrete feeling 况.
Cause 为 Aritomo friend request, reason 专 门 beat Ryo 几 张 EZ4 LITE 插 different angular illuminating piece on resident in NDSL.
Yes on the 从 图 很 direct 观 area watching it to be possible from here, EZ4 LITE 插 进 NDSL empress meeting minute projection point, official one 给 come out several 据 rights 0.8mm, the 而 实 际 eye 测 也 difference non- multi, non- 过 our original copies from here a little 为 它 mark outside 壳 meeting 做 forming style 线 type 设 计, 间 projection and nature 而 拿 arriving at 样 卡 empress intelligence road EZ4 LITE projection part 设 计 profitable 很 equal in 也 engaging in right reason 边 缘 direction 匀, reason 插 进 NDSL empress 也 engaging in right integral body projection, the 个 person 认 为 the non- 如 image NDSL original copy GBA 卡 tankThe anti 尘 盖 one 样 resident in left 边 处 增 adding one 块 thin layer, 这 样 engaging in yes from here the complete 贴 combination NDSL GBA 卡 tank, re-combinations style 线 type 设 计, same flight right projection 也 the non- meeting image 现 resident in 这 样 abbreviation 显 protruding 兀.
EZ4 unauthorized edition from here and use 效 fruit 对 ratio on EZ4 LITE resident in NDSL
On the 但 right 总 body to come and 讲, 这 point point projection right yes from here receipt, 而 幺 幺 专 门 测 试 Ryo military officer 插 possession EZ4 LITE NDSL releasing 进 Keys Factory from here and HORI preservation 护 package village surface everyone emergency easy, 现 one 样 demand military officer 烧 录 卡 专 门 taking of time before the resident in re-也 unnecessary image it be possible, re-releasing arriving at package package village taking Ryo, non- 但 economical thing, the 而 且 避 exemption 磨 损 gold hand finger.
做 manufacture direction, hundred minute system coming fixed 义 marks 话 our 则 yes 给 EZ4 LITE launch 85 minute, 其 middle 5 minutes 扣 resident in connecting 处 on the mark one 个 mastigoneme thorn, phase trust 这 right cause 为 幺 幺 评 测 the mark right 样 卡 mark 缘 reason, desired proper form 发 售 时 non- meeting it comes out young from here from here merely, 现 这 个 问 题. 10 minute 则 仍 way outside 而 另 扣 our 评 测 EZ4 时 stopping arriving at gold hand finger back empress contact area manufacture before the resident in 之 艺 问 题, ignorance road 为 什 么 EZ company 从 EZ1 arriving at EZ4 LITE capital dice taking 这 种 设 计, 也 engaging in right place 谓 抛 optical manufacture 艺, outside 烧 录 卡 应 该 设 计 forming all the 磨 sand on thing 实 壳, 这 样 same flight 经 normal 插 拔 也 non- meeting daybreak 显 mark 迹, 但 right EZ4 LITE 仍 way right 其 它 local dice taking 磨 sand 设 计, 而 gold hand finger back empressContact area 则 dice taking 抛 optical manufacture 艺.
The 壳 model/imitation tool retention Ryo EZ company outside non- 过 EZ4 LITE one 贯 horizontality and reason 诸 rank unnecessary 过 虑, you think, 虑 arriving at friend 们 拥 possession NDSL main desk 颜 color each mismatch, reason our 专 门 beat Ryo three 种 different 颜 color NDSL, 这 样 诸 rank engaging in yes from here use 效 fruit Ryo on direct 观 area watching arriving at EZ4 LITE resident in self NDSL.
Existence 储 mediation volume
First 块 genuine mind 义 mark use yes 扩 spreading/displaying type existence 储 卡 the mark 烧 录 设 备 right 电 shadow 卡 two generations (the 虽 way 它 resident in 游 戏 direction 仅 possession FC 游 戏 Isao talent), 而 the genuine military officer “烧 录” two form 现, mark 则 right SC-CF, the nature empress and 经 历 Ryo 几 产 item resident in 烧 录 boundary 纷 fighting, mark existence for the 而 这 些 卡 dice such as next 变 leather our 们 watching arriving at Ryo M3-CF, SC-SD, M3-SD, SC MINI SD, M3 MINI SD and EZ4 储 设 备 mark degree of 过 则 right 从 CF-SD-MINI SD,这 point unnecessary solution 释 engaging in yes from here neatness, 烧 录 卡 也 the resident in constant pursuit body 积 mark all-inclusive virtue, arriving at Ryo NDSL 时 generation, non- Hisashi certain 些 push-out “GBA true 卡 small and large 烧 录 卡” 如 SC MINI SD harmony EZ4 before the same flight right resident in 现 resident in watching coming capital abbreviation 显 insufficiency, reason 为 the Ryo 缩 减 integral body body 积, merely talent resident in existence 储 mediation surface 做 composition. The book next EZ4 LITE surface 选 business right immediate resident in hand desk existence 储 设 备 领 limits day 渐 吃 Kaori TF 卡, 关 于 TF 卡, below the 幺 幺 个 human possession 认 识 from here and understanding:
TF 卡 all the name rights TransFLash (或 T-FLASH), immediate ratio 较 formal name 应 该 right Micro SD Card, cause 为 从 2004 happening TransFLash flight 更 name 为 Micro SD Card. Up-to-date seal equipment skill for the 它 dice 术, talent 够 做 arriving at small and large 仅 possession 11mm x 15mm x1mm, the right immediate body 积 the smallest existence 储 卡, combination 专 门 the mark 转 connection vessel, yes from here the quantity of use normal SD 读 卡 vessel coming 读 taking 据, immediate city surface maximum capacity 为 1G.
Book next 评 测 选 business right KINGMAX 512M TF 卡, sinking possession duty what on use resident in EZ4 LITE 问 题, non- 过 main point military officer 它 插 进 EZ4 LITE demand watching associate 卡 seat in re-插, non- nature meeting 插 arriving at empty 档.
TF 卡 distribution 套 mark 转 connection vessel
TF, MINI SD and SD three 种 existence 储 卡 mark body 积 ratio 较
It is hard case volume
EZ4 LITE harmony EZ 41 样, 它 们 outside mark 壳 胶 water viscous arriving at Ryo one happening for mark certain 处 connecting 处 capital, 这 样 engaging in 导 致 幺 幺 壳 beat 电 road board illuminating piece outside resident in 拆 时 non- profitable non- violence military officer 其 掰 开, 这 样 壳 engaging in outside one coming 冰 兰 color 报 废 咯 ......From here the empress merely 壳 combination self 冰 兰 color NDSL outside useful white, regrettable.
从 电 road board empress surface yes watching profit it to be possible from here, 这 块 plank right resident in May 份, April on the mark and the 而 thing 实 份 the mark 时 EZ direction engaging in indication main point resident in May guess coming out EZ4 LITE, merely right empress coming cause 为 each 种 cause extending 迟 arriving at June 份.
Hard on the case rack 构, EZ4 LITE giving EZ 41 样, equal 为 128M PSRAM+256M NORFLASH, the place different merely right TF 卡 connection mouth from here and the MINI SD 卡 connection mouth 而 已.
Reason 于 it is hard the case rack 构 giving EZ4 homology and 那 么 许 eventful feeling engaging in 显 而 divination 见 Ryo, ratio 如 玩 the 256M 游 戏 仍 way demand 烧 录 arriving at NORFLASH village. - _-
Non- 过 reason 于 now heaven 并 non EZ4 LITE formal 发 售 day period, reason immediate 拿 arriving at EZ4 LITE possession use most empress primary renewal EZ4 专 business 软 case, 这 engaging in it comes out merely, 现 one 个 问 题, the EZ4 LITE 无 method military officer 256M GBA ROM 烧 录 arriving at NORFLASH village, 而 merely within ROM 运 line 128M in talent resident in PSRAM. 针 对 这 个 问 题 official one 做 it comes out, solution 释 name tomorrow engaging in meeting discharge new edition EZ4 软 case from here flight use profitable EZ4 LITE support 烧 录 GBA ROM arriving at NORFLASH