Kakaroto about the 3.60 Keys on PS3DEVWIKI:
3.60 keys Update
Q: recently 3.60 keys surfaced (lv1ldr, lv2ldr, isoldr, appldr), what does this mean for this release and the future?
A: That is actually a multiparted answer:
now that several binairies (Iso module + CoreOS minus the loaders that are inside lv0) can be decrypted, more investigation can be done in them, which give a new boost in (unrelated to the HeN) other targets, like:
Hardwareless downgrades : Downgrading with PSgrade Dongle (lv1.self)
QA Flagging / systemtokens (spu_token_processor.self) and usertokens (spu_utoken_processor.self)
PS2 compatibility (mc_iso_spu_module.self , me_iso_for_ps2emu.self , sv_iso_for_ps2emu.self)
Getting per_console_root_key_1 / EID_root_key on 3.56+/slim3K (lv1.self , aim_spu_module.self)
Backsigning applications for Q: So does this mean a future release would be sooner?
A: Only God knows
But it can also be that because of the above, it would become meaningless/surpassed by better progress. So lets all hope for the best
The Road beyond…
(or what can you and others do to expand the useability of it)
What is missing Prerelease (state at first public mention)?
Fixing NPDRM
Make PKG’s install and run the SELFs.
What is missing after release?
Peek & Poke
lv1/lv2 dumping/patching
Backup Managers
Downgrade (already possible with Hardware flashing.
3.56+ keys / lv0 decrypted dump
Modifying firmware files