Maximus released 360 Firmware Toolbox(info) v4.5 - a graphical tool to handle several common dvd-drive firmware tasks.
From Readme/NFO:
- FIXED: Properly support Handling of VAD6038 Firmwares (see notes).
- FIXED: Previously Hitachi spoofed drives were not visible on toolbox anymore now you can see it and unspoof it or re-spoof them
- FIXED: Several other bugs
Release Notes:
The VAD6038 firmwares are tricky, the KEY could be placed on too many places, and the code locations could vary a lot between same ROM drives. (Like on Hitachi 78/79 drives but on VAD6038 there are a lot o of posibilities)
This Toolbox support the 2 retail VAD6038 firmware versions known till now. (62430C and 64930C). You can now:
- Read / Extract Keys
- Spoof Samsung/Hitachi drive as Benq
- Spoof Benq drive as Hitachi/Samsung
Habrá que ir investigando lo que hace.