tengo un disco seagate de 10 gigas con particion f con cositas, cual de estas dos bios no me borrara la particion. lo digo porque leyendo esto no me aclaro.
Here is why the F data dissapeared:
This ONLY affects users with these setups: If you had a bios with
LBA48 patches before and had one BIG F: drive (partition 6 only)
and the drive was above 137 gig
If you then use 4979.06 you would get an F: and a G: - this would
cut your F: to 137 gig and therefore make your directories table
invalid bringing you an empty F: drive that is smaller than before
and some space behind that could be a G: drive
otra cosa mas la lineas del evolution estas para que valen.
ROM = "X2 4977",0x92987e26edd5833921c9b0e539ea091e
¿es necesaria para flasear con el matrix o solo con meterlo en el c:\bios ya valdria?