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Thierry Henry escribió:Lo que no entiendo o no veo claro es como va esta web, no me aclaro con la interfaz o entorno, o cuando estas registrado es todo mas inteligible?
wieder escribió:Thierry Henry escribió:Lo que no entiendo o no veo claro es como va esta web, no me aclaro con la interfaz o entorno, o cuando estas registrado es todo mas inteligible?
+1, Tutorial para encontrar cosas (graciosas a poder ser) en 4chan ya!!
wieder escribió:Thierry Henry escribió:Lo que no entiendo o no veo claro es como va esta web, no me aclaro con la interfaz o entorno, o cuando estas registrado es todo mas inteligible?
+1, Tutorial para encontrar cosas (graciosas a poder ser) en 4chan ya!!
Thierry Henry escribió:Lo que no entiendo o no veo claro es como va esta web, no me aclaro con la interfaz o entorno, o cuando estas registrado es todo mas inteligible?
wieder escribió:+1, Tutorial para encontrar cosas (graciosas a poder ser) en 4chan ya!!
1. Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.
2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.
3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
4. The posting of personal information or calls to invasion is prohibited. Advertising (all forms) is also not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking.
5. All boards that default to the Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed.
6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
7. Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length.
8. Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.
9. Ban evasion will result in permanent bans. No exceptions—DO NOT EVADE YOUR BAN. Instead, wait and appeal it!
10. No excess spamming or flooding of any kind.
11. Impersonating the 4chan administrator, moderators, or janitors is strictly forbidden.
12. Remember: The use of 4chan is a privilege, not a right. The 4chan staff reserves the right to revoke access and remove content without notice
Global rules apply to all boards unless otherwise noted.
/a/ - Anime & Manga
1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga. For long-term series discussion, please refer to the /anime/ board.
2. The use of spoiler tags is highly recommended. To spoilerize text, enclose it like so:. In addition, images may be spoilerized by checking the "[Spoiler Image?]" box on the submission form.spoiled text
3. Purposeful spoiling of a series may result in post deletion and temporary banishment.
4. The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.
/an/ - Animals & Nature
1. All images of animals and nature are welcome.
2. Posting images depicting animal cruelty is strictly forbidden.
/b/ - Random
1. ZOMG NONE!!!1*
2. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11 are enforced.
Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
/c/ - Anime/Cute
1. Images should be cute ("moe") in nature.
2. Ecchi belongs on its respective board. Males belong on the cute/male board.
3. Heterosexual couples are allowed.
/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
1. Pictures depicting those in costume play ("cosplay") and elegant gothic lolita ("EGL") dress are welcome.
2. Don't bring community drama into this board. Singling out particular cosplayers and trolling them will not be tolerated.
/ck/ - Food & Cooking
1. Images and discussion should relate to food and cooking.
2. Recipes are welcome! Feel free to talk about your favorite dishes and discuss past cooking experiences.
/cm/ - Cute/Male
1. Images should depict animated males and be cute ("moe") in nature. Shounen-ai images are permitted.
2. Yaoi belongs on its own respective board. Couples belong on the anime/cute board.
3. This board is for animated content only. Images depicting "real" people will be removed.
/co/ - Comics & Cartoons
1. Images and discussion should pertain to media of Western origin.
2. Spoiler tag use is enforced. Don't know how to use spoiler tags? Read this.
/d/ - Hentai/Alternative
1. "Alternative" images including: futanari, bondage, tentacles, etc. are welcome. Caveats below.
2. Images depicting bestiality, guro, scat, or generally seen to be "extreme" in nature are not to be uploaded.
/e/ - Ecchi
1. Only softcore nudity is permitted. Hardcore images should remain on the hentai board.
2. Ecchi material is suggestive and often times cute, however, it should not be mistaken for the cute board.
/fa/ - Fashion
1. Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.
/fit/ - Health & Fitness
1. Images and advice related to dieting, exercise, healthy living, workout plans, etc., is welcome here.
/g/ - Technology
1. Images depicting the technology of past, present, and future are all welcome here.
2. Support threads are allowed, but discouraged. Please consult a search engine before making such threads. "Obvious advice" threads may be removed at the discretion of the staff.
3. Check out the /comp/ and /tech/ boards as discussion-oriented alternatives to this imageboard.
/gif/ - Animated GIF
1. All GIFs should be animated—no static images.
/h/ - Hentai
1. Information pertaining to the artist, character's name, originating manga/doujin, etc. is highly valued. Please provide this information if it is available to you.
2. Images should depict "of-age" females (use discretion).
3. In addition, alternative, ecchi, shota, yuri, and yaoi content belong on their respective boards.
4. The posting of paysite passwords is forbidden. By request, materials from Cutepet, HentaiKey, Drowtales, and DLsite are not allowed.
5. Western drawn/styled ("toon") pictures and fan drawn ("fanart") images are not allowed at this time.
/hc/ - Hardcore
1. Straight (male/female) pornography only.
2. Images should be tasteful; quality is encouraged.
3. See sexy beautiful women for a softcore alternative
4. The posting of paysite passwords is forbidden. In addition, "fakes" (photo manipulations) are not to be uploaded.
5. Absolutely no underage content (under 18) of any sort. Violators may be issued permanent bans.
/hr/ - High Resolution
1. Post quality high-resolution 2D/3D artwork, scans, photography, and images of interest here.
2. Do not simply post images because they have large dimensions. If an image would be of interest to another board, please crosspost the image (resizing if necessary).
3. The high resolution board was created to provide a venue for extremely large images. It is not intended to be a random board.
4. Non-worksafe images are allowed, however content must be kept tasteful (no grossout images).
/jp/ - Japan/General
1. All things Japanese welcome!
/k/ - Weapons
1. All weaponry is welcome. Military vehicles/knives/other weapons are included, this board isn't just for firearms!
/m/ - Mecha
1. All mecha and mecha-related (ex: core fighter, mecha girl, model) images are allowed.
/mu/ - Music
1. Discuss music, artists, and instruments here. All images should relate to the topic at hand.
2. Trolling, instigating, or participating in a flamewar will result in a ban.
/n/ - Transportation
1. All sorts of transportation pictures and discussion welcome. Trains, planes, ships, bicycles, flying elevators—post 'em all!
2. Please keep automobiles on the auto board.
3. Military vehicles should be posted on the weapons board.
/o/ - Auto
1. All motor vehicle pictures are allowed.
2. Photos of models and "race queens" are permitted, so long as they are sufficiently clothed.
/p/ - Photography
1. Only upload images that you, the photographer, have taken.
2. Post only photos that show at least trace amounts of thoughtful composition. Do not upload random snapshots.
3. Even though EXIF data is made available when encoded, please post as much relevant technical information as possible, such as: camera, kit, lens, etc.
4. Include a short description with your photograph, such as when and where it was photographed and under what circumstances.
5. As with the art critique board, only constructive criticism will be tolerated.
/po/ - Papercraft & Origami
1. Upload your papercraft and origami images here!
2. Requesting is permitted.
/r/ - Request
1. All requests, be they for content or reseeds, belong here.
2. Provide ample information in your request. Be specific—requests for "hentai" instead of "Shirow - x Works" may be removed. Link back to existing post(s) if possible.
3. Check the board for pre-existing and similar requests before reposting.
4. Do not request or discuss material protected by United States copyright law.
/r9k/ - ROBOT9000
1. Don't post anything someone else has said, ever.
2. Don't try to evade the filter by adding garbage to your post.
/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women
1. All images should depict women sexy and beautiful in nature. Images should also be relatively high in quality and resolution.
2. If you know any information about a photo not already submitted, post it! (ex: model's name, where to find the full set, link(s) to more/similar content, etc.)
3. This board is focused towards females, not their male companions. Please keep hardcore content to a minimum. Artsy and tasteful images are preferred.
4. Racist remarks, trolls, and bump-replies (ex: "moar!") are not welcome.
5. The posting of paysite passwords is forbidden. In addition, "fakes" (photo manipulations) are not to be uploaded.
6. Absolutely no underage content (under 18) of any sort. Violators may be issued permanent bans.
/sp/ - Sports
1. All sports welcome.
2. In the interest of keeping this board general, please combine threads related to similar topics (example: specific teams, games, players, etc.).
/t/ - Torrents
1. All material licensed in the United States is prohibited. This includes music, manga, hentai, artbooks, and anything else protected by United States copyright law. (Note: 99% of what you will find on the internet is probably unlicensed, however first check and make sure it is before posting!)
2. There will be no "warez" allowed. Warez is classified as: retail software, games, movies, etc. See the above rule.
3. Content should be Japanese in theme or origin. The torrents board is not your standard anime tracker. As such, no anime of any kind is to be posted on this board.
4. Threads should not consist of filedump links. Replying to a pre-existing thread with RapidShare/Putfile/Megaupload/YouTube links is allowed, so long as the original post contains a torrent. Check out /rs/ for these types of links.
/tg/ - Traditional Games
1. Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc. go here!
/toy/ - Toys
1. Toys, toys, toys!
2. Absolutely no Japanese figurines. Action figures are permitted.
3. No "hot glue" fetish images.
/trv/ - Travel
1. Post images and information about various locales, places you've traveled, or hope to visit in the future.
2. Feel free to ask questions about other cultures, and post in native languages.
3. This board is for all the countries of the world. The more diverse, the better!
/tv/ - Television & Film
1. Content should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc.
/u/ - Yuri
1. Yuri pictures are lesbian and/or softcore in nature. Images should contain two or more women, and not contain men.
/v/ - Video Games
1. Flaming/flagrant "fanboism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
2. Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Inciting or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
3. All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, etc. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post errant material.
4. Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
5. Game help and long-term discussion threads should be posted to the /games/ board.
/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers
1. Wallpapers should be distinctly anime or J-pop related. They can be real world pictures, just make sure they're noticeably tied to Japanese culture.
2. Image quality is a must. A minimum resolution of 800x600 pixels is enforced on this board.
/wg/ - Wallpapers/General
1. Wallpapers may depict anything within reason. Please keep adult-oriented pictures and the likes off of this board.
2. Image quality is a must. A minimum resolution of 800x600 pixels is enforced on this board.
/y/ - Yaoi
1. All yaoi, unless otherwise noted, is allowed. This includes bara.
2. This board is for animated content only. Images depicting "real" people will be removed.
/x/ - Paranormal
1. For all your creepy images and stories.
Drawing Boards
/i/ - Oekaki
1. Oekakis can be random in nature, but please, no "junk" drawings. Quality over quantity!
/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
1. User-drawn works are to be submitted for critiquing. Do not submit work that you have not personally drawn or contributed to.
2. Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.
Upload Boards
/f/ - Flash
1. All uploaded files should be uniquely Japanese (pertain to Japanese culture). "Run of the mill" content is to be had elsewhere.
2. Posting retail Flash files or Flash exploits is prohibited.
3. The tagging of uploaded files is mandatory. Improperly tagged items may be removed without notice. Abuse of the tagging system may result in temporary ban.
4. If your file is to be tagged as "[?] Other", re-examine the first rule before submission.
/rs/ - Rapidshares
1. Do not submit links for fileshares that violate the global rules.
2. Be sure to include the proper password(s) if your files are password protected.
#4chan @ Rizon
1. Do not excessively flood, spam, or otherwise harass users.
2. No Fservs/XDCCs/annoying IRC scripts. !listing results in an automatic ban.
3. If the channel is moderated (mode: +m), do not message OPs/HOPs for voice.
4. Operators reserve the right to remove users from the channel as they see fit.
Frenrihr escribió:Escuché algo de que el FBI está tras 4chan, ya que se ha dado casos de gente que ha posteado cosas en plan: "voy a ir a tal sitio y matar gente" y resultar de que al final sale en las noticias X gente muerta por un subnormal en ese sitio, y cosas por el estilo. La cosa es que la gente les anima a realizar estos actos...
Space_Harrier escribió:Thierry Henry escribió:Lo que no entiendo o no veo claro es como va esta web, no me aclaro con la interfaz o entorno, o cuando estas registrado es todo mas inteligible?
Buenas, tío. Yo también tenía mis dudas al principio. Para ir cambiando de formato, crea un hilo y pon de texto y de tema "Boxxy". Si te da error, cosa que a veces pasa, dale para atrás y vuelve a repetir.
jon2491 escribió:Frenrihr escribió:Escuché algo de que el FBI está tras 4chan, ya que se ha dado casos de gente que ha posteado cosas en plan: "voy a ir a tal sitio y matar gente" y resultar de que al final sale en las noticias X gente muerta por un subnormal en ese sitio, y cosas por el estilo. La cosa es que la gente les anima a realizar estos actos...
Areos escribió:¡¡¡La culpa la tienen los videojuegos!!!
Es lo de siempre, saber emplear las cosas con cabeza. Igual que entran esos tarados a esa seccion a hacer el monguis, tambien hay otras secciones como esa que de animales que son curiosas.
jon2491 escribió:Frenrihr escribió:Escuché algo de que el FBI está tras 4chan, ya que se ha dado casos de gente que ha posteado cosas en plan: "voy a ir a tal sitio y matar gente" y resultar de que al final sale en las noticias X gente muerta por un subnormal en ese sitio, y cosas por el estilo. La cosa es que la gente les anima a realizar estos actos...
Proton escribió:Eso si, alli es donde mas viñetas de la ira, maldiciones contra boxxy, raptor crist y demas genialidades nacen y toman forma, como el loooooooooooooong cat (is loooooooooooooooooong xD)