A dia de hoy,se puede meter DLC por USB?

Pues estoy intentando meter el DLC de SF X TEKEN por USB con el metodo USBXTAFGUI_v44,pero la consola no me lo reconoce.Hay alguna forma de meter DLC sin tener JTAG(tengo la xbox con LT 3.0)

PD;El DLC solo tiene la carpeta content del juego(no hay PERFIL)

Esto es lo que pone en el bloc de notas;

Street Fighter x Tekken Final DLC from ME!

This DLC Contains 99% everything unlocked if not most
the only thing that is missing is the DLC CHARACTERS.

1. A new color pattern has been unlocked and added to Character Color in Customize menu.
-- [this means u have tons of colors to mess with and change skin colors, hair, clothes ect ect]

2. A new costume has been unlocked Costumes can be chosen in
character Color in the Customize menu.
-- [this gives u alt costumes and swap costumes for all characters]

3. The Combo Editor detailed settings feature has been added to Quick Combo in the Customize menu
-- [get more detailed with ur combos!]

3.2. The Combo editor feature has been added to quick combo in the customize menu
-- [edit ur combos]

4. a new preset combo has been unlocked. it can be set in the quick combo section in the customize mode.
-- [set up 5 pre sets 2 button combos]

5. A new gem has been added to Gem Unit in the customize menu
-- [over 600 gems]

6. Replay analyzer has been added to my collection in the replay Channel.
-- [allows u to review ur battles (live?)]

7. New Characters unlocked ??
-- [most likely needs new tu that updates the select screen]

i want to thank the testers and all the people who msged me and gave me ideas on how to unlock things and opened it up to be easier then ever

Un saludo,y gracias!
No se puede, y no lo intentes por que te pueden banear.
Pues vaya.. [buuuaaaa] Lo de banearme me daba igual.
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