meloncito escribió:Hypear sobre graficos xD lo echo de menos. La verdad es que fue bonito mientras duró, a saber cuando podremos volver a hacerlo.
Venga, el AS bajo la manga es el displacement mapping !! xDD
Seguro que es eso! no veis esos surcos en relieve en el mar que deja el barco y los desperfectos en 3D del casco del barco?
Y esas olas que gracias al displacement mapping se han ahorrado el uso de millones de poligonos!
Siempre q te leo, siempre vas contra nintendo
yo lo q he dicho, es q en estos ultimos dos años, siempre leiendo sobre el proyecto Revolution, creo q no me he perdido nada de las noticias dadas, y hay en muchas ocasiones q siempre dicen, programadores de sectores importantes, q estan bajo un secretismo q no pueden decir nada... como en esta ultima noticia dada x Mark rein:
CVG: Before we finish up: did Epic ever get that Wii dev kit?
Mark Rein: (laughs) I can’t say, I’m under NDA with Nintendo. But I can tell you that we’re not doing, internally any development right now on the Wii. The Wii I’m sure is going to be a fantastic machine and sell really well but it’s kind of below - it’s not Intel integrated graphics but it’s pretty far bellow the kind of min-bar of Unreal Engine 3. If you built a PC with that spec it wouldn’t really be capable of playing an Unreal Engine 3 games decently. They’re aiming at clearly at different audience that what we are. You know, Unreal Engine 3 can’t run on Xbox 1 or PS2 either - and that’s not to say that some of our licensees wont find a way to shoe-horn it into that platform, we certainly have some licensees that are doing some experiments in that area and it could very well happen. But that’s a really tough job. And one thing that has become public knowledge in the last little while is that Ubisoft’s game Red Steel is using Unreal Engine 2, so there will be Unreal Engine games on the Wii. There will be Unreal Engine games on the Wii and hopefully they’ll be successful and maybe we’ll make a little money from it, but Unreal Engine 3 - that’s a little below our target platform.
CVG: Do you think the Wii will be able to emulate the success of the DS?
Mark Rein: They certainly have a lot of buzz right now and if they can have a low enough price (NOTE: our interview was conducted before Nintendo’s recent price announcement)- you know, people compare the DS and the PSP but the DS is half the price of the PSP, It’s going for a different market than the PSP almost and so maybe that’s the difference between Wii and PlayStation 3 or Wii and Xbox 360. Maybe they’re going to come out at a significantly lower price point and they’ll be able to do some really cool stuff with it, we’ll have to wait and see. Or wait and Wii (laughs).
I honestly don’t know how to feel about those statements. They go back and forth from being positive to condescending. At least, that is how I see them.
Ademas dice que no estan trabajando en wii, pero se contradice si no entiendo mal diciendo que esta bajo un nda de nintendo por lo que no puede hablar...
Asi q algo hay... o igual nada ... conociendo a nintendo