@Metal Knight Casi más que el adaptador de corriente, me preocupa el mal que pueda provocar el cartucho "161 en 1" en la consola.
Yo hasta ahora con el transformador de 12V no he tenido problemas.
Diría que entre 7,5V y 12V entra dentro de la tolerancia que deben tener estos aparatos.
http://www.firebrandx.com/aespsuguide.htmlFirst and foremost, there are in reality only two flavors of power supply requirements to AES consoles. Some require 5 Volts DC with 3 Amps and a center-negative barrel plug (2.1mm center). Others require 9 Volts DC with 1 Amp and a center-negative barrel plug. Technically the latter will work with anything from 7.5 Volts up to 12 Volts, and that's why you may find some AES power adapters with an output rating of 10 or even 11 volts DC output. I'm going to stick with 9 Volts and recommend 2.5 to 3.5 Amps to ensure plenty of juice is available for stuff like mods that pull power. The 9V consoles regulate down to a maximum of 3 Amps inside the console, so there's no point in pushing beyond that unless there's no 9V 3A PSU available in the brand you prefer. That said, with power supplies on video game consoles, you don't have to worry about having too much Amperage. The console will only pull what it needs and nothing more. Voltage is much more volatile in this regard, so you want to make CERTAIN you don't overvolt an AES console.
En un esquema que he visto, a mano ponen 9V-11V a 1A de DC In.
Confío en que el regulador LM2576 haga su trabajo y baje de 12V a 5V (o un pelín más). Si entiendo bien la gráfica para ese regulador de 5V, diría que si en vez de 10V le llegan 12V debería subir sobre un 0,1% el voltaje de salida. Muy poca diferencia.
https://wiki.neogeodev.org/index.php?title=LM2576https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm257 ... e.com%252F