mi consola da errores con los traxdata, según las prueba que he realizado todo depende del los consumibles, al parecer no son buenos, sin embargo leyendo por ahi en ps2nfo.com pagina semioficial del viper.... "aconsejan" ajustar el potenciometro a 170-210 para evitar estos errores de lectura... ¿alguien lo ha probado? ¿que resultados se tienen a corto plazo? ¿y a largo plazo?
How to adjust my GameCube laser to fix "DISC READ" errors?
A) If you receive either of these ERROR prompts after swapping
discs, when you PAUSE your back-up game, or randomly while
playing at certain parts then you may need to adjust your unit's
GameCube laser. Common Error Prompts include the following:
"An error has occurred." or "The disc could not be read."
B) Begin by turning your GameCube console on its back, and then
removing these 4 screws using your 4.5mm "GameBit" tool
as detailed above. This can also be accomplished by using a
melted clear BIC pen, however, for assistance with the BIC pen
method please refer to the NOTE directly below this step.
NOTE: Although you can't see them well while they are inside, the
special GameCube screws look like THIS for your reference.
To do the BIC pen method, simply use the pen's plastic barrel
as your handle and heat the narrow end up with a heatgun,
torch, or gas flame until it becomes very soft... it may catch
fire, and if so let it burn a bit before blowing it out. Next, push
the soft warm plastic onto the security screw, pushing hard
enough so the plastic forms around the shape of the screw
head. Now, remove the plastic pen barrel, let it cool down
(you can run it under water to assist with this) and you now
should have a "homemade" BIC GameCube screwdriver!
All that is left now is to use it to remove these 4 screws.
C) Carefully lift off the GameCube top cover after the 4 screws
are removed. Now remove these 4 screws from the front of
the console using your Phillips Head Micro Mini Screwdriver
and remove the following screws as well: 5 right-side screws,
4 rear-side screws, 2 left-side screws, and then carefully
move the GameCube fan assembly they were securing away
from the unit to access and remove these 3 screws located
underneath it.
D) Now, lift the laser drive with the metal plate beneath it off of
the GameCube and turn it on its back. Next, remove these
6 screws with your Phillips Head Micro Mini Screwdriver.
Following that, seperate the metal plate from the laser drive.
E) Take notice of the Laser Adjustment POTentiometer screw
location. Next, reference these two Laser Probe Points and
turn your Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) dial to point at the 2K
Ohms resistance setting as shown here by the Yellow Arrow.
Place the RED & BLACK DMM probe on their matching points
on opposite sides of the POT Adjustment screw in order to
take a measurement reading as indicated on the DMM screen.
F) If your laser measures outside of the recommended range of
170-210 Ohms then you may need to adjust it by carefully
turning the Adjustment Screw counter-clockwise VERY little
using your Phillips Head Micro Mini Screwdriver once again.
After making a slight adjustment counter-clockwise turn of
1/16" to 1/32" only then re-check the Laser POT Value again.
Repeat this process until it is within the desired range... it
may take a few times due to the sensitivity of the Laser POT.
Finally, HERE is one more picture that may be of use to you!
G) All that is left now, is to reassemble your GameCube console
following steps D through A in reverse order as necessary.