Pues con este reproductor de videos PMP se supone que pilla subtítulos SRT pero cuando voy a ver una película, se queda en loading y se apaga la consola.
Tengo una PSP 1.5 pero le puse el Custom Firmware the proof of concept by dark_alex y a ver si es por eso que no va el programa. (si es por eso no voy a quitarlo adrede)
¿Alguien lo haprobado y le funciona bien, incluido los subtítulos y viendose los acentos, Ñ, ? y demás signos del español?
Sinembargo la anterior versión, la 1.02 si que me funciona bien, lo malo es que no pilla archivos SRT de subtítulos y si los incrustas enla película mediante el AVItoPMP luego no se ven los signos ¿, acentos y Ñ.
A parte de no tener otras mejoras que pongo abajo.
Con la versión PMP Mod V2.01 los videos PMP me dan error de codificación. Y con la versión 2.02 se me apaga la consola.
Gracias y un saludo.
Mejoras y novedades de la versión 2.02:
"-Based on Jonny's v2.02 source with all improvements.
-Now has support for SubRip (.srt) subtitles.
-Asian language subtitles are now supported - Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese (but Raphael admits that due to his lack of knowledge with the Asian languages, this new feature has not been highly tested yet).
-Support for up to eight different subtitles per video (switch them during playback with CROSS+LEFT TRIGGER).
-Change subtitle font and border color with CROSS+SQUARE and CROSS+CIRCLE.
-File list is filtered to *.pmp files
-Change CPU speed before playback (RIGHT TRIGGER in file list).
- ISO8859 fonts included in the release.
ISO8859-1: Latin-1, Western European (Danish, Dutch [partial]), English, Faeroese, Finnish (partial), French (partial), German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Albanian, Afrikaans and Swahili.
ISO8859-2: Latin-2, Central European (Bosnian, Polish, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, and Hungarian).
ISO8859-3: Latin-3, South European (Turkish, Maltese, and Esperanto).
ISO8859-4: Latin-4, North European (Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Greenlandic, and Sami).
ISO8859-5: Latin, Cyrillic.
ISO8859-6: Latin, Arabic
ISO8859-7: Latin, Greek
ISO8859-8: Latin, Hebrew
ISO8859-9: Latin-5, Turkish
ISO8859-10: Latin-6, Nordic
ISO8859-11: Latin, Thai
ISO8859-13: Latin-7, Baltic Rim
ISO8859-14: Latin-8, Celtic
ISO8859-15: Latin-9 (revision of 8859-1 including euro sign € and complete coverage of French, Finnish and Estonian).
ISO8859-16: Latin-10, South-Eastern European (Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Slovenian, Finnish, French, German and Irish Gaelic [new orthography]).
Raphael promises all the features in this PMP Mod v2.02 subtitle mod will also be integrated in the PMP Mod AVC release - patience is the keyword.
As was mentioned, Rapahel does not have much knowledge on Asian languages and he feels that character placement of the Asian subs "looks really bad". So expect a more accurate character placement in future release of this great mod.
Like previous releases, a font generator tool for Windows is included in this release (an updated version of which is coming very soon). And as alwways, Raphael requests those who'll be genertaing a font not included in this release to share the font with others - or at least with him, so the generated font can be included in the final release.
Version 2.01 of this subtitle mod can now support 2.01+ firmwares with the use of eLoader and botht the GTA and TIFF exploit (thanks to tommydanger's help!). Speaking of 2.01+ firmwares, Raphael wrotes, "since we now have a working downgrader for 2.6, I don't provide any further updates on the 2.0+ version, unless I get enough feedback that it is still wanted. Version 2.01 for 2.0+ will still be available though."