dylan-sama está baneado por "Utilizar clones para saltarse baneo"
La han cerrado.
[14:26:59] kirtaner told us: 4chan is down because of DDoS attacks, stemming from a bunch of guys that are angry that moot doesn't want to move #4chan to lulznet.
23:25 -Kakama5(~noob@5C7B86F8.26908ADE.7496BC0E.IP)- Please go to irc://irc.lulz.net/4chan and /b/ will be restored soon. Moot is right now unaware of our presence, and has only told us he does not care and will go make a bowl of soup. You will comply. Resistance is futile.
Furry, todo lo que se ha publicado en rotten en los 3 ultimos años, unas 50 imágenes de goatse en hr (hr de verdad)
y para fulminar unos cuantos scripts insertados en imagenes.
Todo en /b/ y /hr/