Alguien sabe para que sirve esto??

pues me he encontrado este cacharro por ahi en un parde paginas, pero realemente despues de leer tod lo que he visto no he llegado a entender muy bien de que va el tema, a ver si alguien sabe de que va...


"Record DVDs and TV shows straight on to PSP memory cards with this nifty Japanese media recorder
It's not often that we eagerly anticipate anything from the world of third-party peripherals. But there's always an exception to prove the rule and, in this case, it's the unlikely-sounding Media Recorder VRX-02 from RockRidge Sound Japan. And, no, we haven't made that up.The nifty gizmo, which you can see on the right, hooks up to your TV or DVD player and directly records programmes on to Memory Stick Duo cards in the PSP-friendly MPEG-4 format.The device, which can also create files for the Playan GBA SP/DS video-playing add-on, is due to be launched in Japan in July, priced at around 15,000 yen (approximately £75). Looks like Sony's UMD movie format is pretty much finished already, then."
Sirve para grabar desde la TV directamente a la memory stick :)
Pues por lo que me parece entender, el cacharro se acopla a la tele o al DVDplayer y captura/comprime la señal de video y la pasa al formato de la PSP y la guarda directamente en MemorySticks.
Una especie de video grabador para PSP.
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Pues por 75 libras, no es barato? Aunque no se pq me da q 30min de grabacion ocupara 1gb en las memory stick...
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