¿Alguien sabe que leches pasa con el soporte de los EEE?

Pues eso, que le prometí a Lovechii5 un kernel funcional con el eeecontrol y funciona como le da la gana, pierde estabilidad cada dos por tres. Tanto en el estable como el 33 que si miramos el changelot debería estar resuelto.
de la wiki de arch:

CPU Powersaving
The eeepc "Super Hybrid Engine" as it's known under windows has a significant effect on powersaving. This underclocks the FSB for powersave/overclocks for performance and can be controlled via /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/cpufv which is provided by the module eeepc_laptop. It is included in the laptop-mode-tools package, and is activated and configured in the file /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/eee-superhe.conf See also this forum thread.
As of the relase of kernel 2.6.32 the needed module eeepc_laptop doesn't work, to get this working you will need to add the following to the kernel line in the GRUB config (eg. /boot/grub/menu.lst):
The CPU frequency can be controlled by the file cpufreq.conf provided by laptop mode tools. A good value is ”T2” (75% speed) when on battery and ”minimum” (full speed) when on AC. However, using the cpufrequtils package (see below) is normally a better option, as the ondemand option automatically changes between the specified modes depending on system load.


el link del post del que se habla: (tambien hablan del eee-control especificamente)
jorchube escribió:de la wiki de arch:

CPU Powersaving
The eeepc "Super Hybrid Engine" as it's known under windows has a significant effect on powersaving. This underclocks the FSB for powersave/overclocks for performance and can be controlled via /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/cpufv which is provided by the module eeepc_laptop. It is included in the laptop-mode-tools package, and is activated and configured in the file /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/eee-superhe.conf See also this forum thread.
As of the relase of kernel 2.6.32 the needed module eeepc_laptop doesn't work, to get this working you will need to add the following to the kernel line in the GRUB config (eg. /boot/grub/menu.lst):
The CPU frequency can be controlled by the file cpufreq.conf provided by laptop mode tools. A good value is ”T2” (75% speed) when on battery and ”minimum” (full speed) when on AC. However, using the cpufrequtils package (see below) is normally a better option, as the ondemand option automatically changes between the specified modes depending on system load.


el link del post del que se habla:

Te lo agradezco, pero según el changelot del kernel 2.6.33 está solucionado. Le prometí una cosa y ahora no voy a tener huevos de arreglarlo.
Snakefd99cb escribió:
jorchube escribió:de la wiki de arch:

CPU Powersaving
The eeepc "Super Hybrid Engine" as it's known under windows has a significant effect on powersaving. This underclocks the FSB for powersave/overclocks for performance and can be controlled via /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/cpufv which is provided by the module eeepc_laptop. It is included in the laptop-mode-tools package, and is activated and configured in the file /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/eee-superhe.conf See also this forum thread.
As of the relase of kernel 2.6.32 the needed module eeepc_laptop doesn't work, to get this working you will need to add the following to the kernel line in the GRUB config (eg. /boot/grub/menu.lst):
The CPU frequency can be controlled by the file cpufreq.conf provided by laptop mode tools. A good value is ”T2” (75% speed) when on battery and ”minimum” (full speed) when on AC. However, using the cpufrequtils package (see below) is normally a better option, as the ondemand option automatically changes between the specified modes depending on system load.


el link del post del que se habla:

Te lo agradezco, pero según el changelot del kernel 2.6.33 está solucionado. Le prometí una cosa y ahora no voy a tener huevos de arreglarlo.

Buenas Sanke.

Tampoco te estreses, sino puedes solucionarlo no pasa nada.

Yo compile un kernel, pero la hice algo mal y no me arrancaba los discos. Por la noche vuelvo a mirarlo.

Gracias de todos modos.
Yo cuando pasé del kernel 31 al 32 tuve problemas con los módulos específicos del eee y lo arreglé booteando con acpi_osi=Linux.
Snakefd99cb conseguiste hacer alguna cosa ?

He estado compilando el 33-rc6 ahora probaré a ver que tal.

EDIT :::::

Me vuelve a petar en la carga del disco, debo activar algún modulo ?
5 respuestas