Amiga emulator: PSPUAE 0.72 FAME/C Edition

Via QJ net , nos llega este emulador de Amiga que a mas de uno le va a alegrar un poco

PSP developer FOL has released a new version of Amiga homebrew emulator PSPUAE. This release adds FAME/C functionality - that's just about it. Full changelog for PSPUAE v0.72 FAME/C Edition is as follows:

* Added FAME/C CPU core (Credits to UAE4ALL team as thats where Ric ported it from originally).

Told you it was short. Not to say that it's anything to brush aside easily. I'm sure some of you guys have been waiting for this. And though that might be swell, FOL also issues quite an ultimatum about this release:

Im only releasing this, because people wanted it.

Be warned its unstable and can guru alot.

That said, it is faster.

Also old SAVESTATES are NOT compatible with this release.

Also, to get this to work with 1.50 you will have to convert the eboot yourself.

Please do not post regarding crashing issues with this release, as I have already pointed out its flaws. Unless someone wants to improve the FAME/C CPU core, im done with it.

Of course, a readme is meant to be read. Make sure that you do.

Descarga PSPUAE 0.72 FAME/C Edition
Fuente QJ
lo probe anoche y da bastantes fallos en modo de cpu "turbo" (probado con el lotus III y el lotus II, cuelgues, corrupcion en la imagen, eso si, la mar de rapido). mas no me dio tiempo a probar jajajaj aun asi postead los juegos que probeis y tal y las conclusiones :)
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