Anunciado 6.20 ZeroWare-A HEN

El equipo TeamZero está trabajando en un nuevo HEN 6.20 ZeroWare-A que probablemente sea liberado a finales de este mes ya que al parecer están con los detalles finales.

Las novedades que según incluye entre otras son la carga de ISO´s desde el XMB y soporte de PSX.
TeamZero is making a HEN which release we can expect end of this month since their WIP is almost done,
it supports ISO-loading from XMB and PSX support.

6.20 ZeroWare-A is a Work in Progress (WIP) of TeamZero.
I have been reversing Total_Noob's HEN (systemctrl, vshctrl, etc)
for 6.20 so that we, TeamZero, could make an updated/better version of it
that the users will enjoy (More than now).

Here's how the work goes so far:

systemctrl 90% reversed- fixing up USB patches and other patches
vshctrl 100% reversed- Adding Virtual PBP patches (ISO and CSO purposes)
rebootex not started - Will use TN's if we don't have time for the first release
satellite (vsh menu) not started - I plan on using our own vsh menu (I might reverse some of TN's functions, with other functions as well)

Installer 10% done - planning on adding a graphical GUI (for the users Wink)

6.20 ZeroWare-A will also try to fix the bugs of Homebrew crashing on loading, playing, or exiting
on most of the 3k models (and other bugs we haven't discovered yet)
ZeroWare-A will also have a full version of systemctrl functions (TN didn't add the ones for UMD and isofs)
It will also have ISO/CSO support (you will be able to lauch them via XMB) as well as PSX support


Este es el tipo de aplicaciones que iría bien tener firmadas...

Encender PSP, ejecutar y listo.
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