El Serious Sam first y second encounter son tremendos, pertenecen a la lista de mis juegos favoritos.
El 2 no me gustó demasiado, fue toda una decepción, básicamente por el diseño (¿Brujas voladoras? ¿Payasos asesinos?) y por su excesivo toque consolero y sobretodo por las paredes invisibles que había por todo el mapeado.
Esas imágenes... lo último que me harían pensar es que pertenecen al Serious Sam
![más risas [+risas]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani3.gif)
No sé a qué ha venido este cambio tan bestial a la saga, pero a ver qué sale...
Noticia de la página Seriously! (web fiable sobre SS):
IGN reported yesterday that Gamecock Media Group will be publishing Croteam's new project, a "military tactical-action shooter." Mike Wilson, Gamecock leader had this to say:
The folks at Croteam have spent the last year cranking on their engine and some pre-production for this title. It's definitely in a genre they are familiar with and will exploit their experience. As you can see by the screens, they have made a graphical leap since their last title and given they have a lot of experience in building rich environments, expect all the bells and whistles. These guys also have a strong sense of style and design, so you will find the premise and gameplay intriguing. I wish I could say more, but this title is pretty far out...well, maybe I can say one more thing. You know that the one thing Croteam is the best at - better than most every other developer in the world - is making games that are frantic and, most importantly, fun. This title is definitely both of those things.
You can read the rest of the article here, which includes three screenshots. The game's release is slated for 2009 and will be released on the PC and next generation consoles.
Vamos, que no parece ser que sea Serious Sam. Es que esas imágenes no tenían absolutamente nada que ver.