Nueva info (Copio y pego en ingles):
"Today, we’re very excited to unveil the competitive multiplayer features for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 for PSP. Continuing in the franchise’s tradition of unparalleled multiplayer gaming, SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 raises the bar on mobile multiplayer gaming.
Compete in 16-player competitive multiplayer across eight custom maps and through seven new game modes, each with different objectives. A brand new ‘Leader Mode’ lets players designate a squad leader and spawn beside them to help progress to the objective points. Additionally, a new ‘Tug-of-War’ mode, allows players to drain points from their enemies to collect tickets.
Play locally in Ad Hoc mode, or with friends from around the world in infrastructure mode. When played in infrastructure mode, competitive multiplayer supports a number of expanded online community features including tournaments, clan challenges and ladders, voice chat and character customization."
Resumiendo lo dicho en ingles:
- 7 nuevos modos de juego en el multijugador
- 16 Jugadores Online y Ad-hoc
- Customizacion de Personajes
- Chat de texto y Voz
- Comunidad online
- Organizacion de Torneos
- Organizacion de clanes
- Entre los nuevos modos de juego: "Modo Lider: Uno de los jugadores sera el lider y ayudara a completar los objetivos" "Tug of War (nose la traduccion de esto xDDDD): Cojer tickets para ir tomando puntos de sus enemigos", Aparte de esto, creo que han metido el famoso "CG" (cuartel general) visto en COD 4, por lo que se ve en las imagenes (esquina inferior derecha, Barra "CG")