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tony stonem escribió:coromiba escribió:Bayonetta 2 por mi parte que no salga nunca, no me ha gustado nada.
+1,no lo soporto,no puedo con esa ambientacion tan...gayer y horteraxDDD.
Aunque sea el mismo estilo de juego,yo no entiendo que haya gente que lo compare con DMC y aun digan que mola mas el bayonetta.
tony stonem escribió:Para que nadie se ofenda,voy a decir que lo siguiente es mi opinion.Obviamente,no seria necesario si la gente no se llevara las opiniones de los demas al terreno personal,pero bueno.
La ambientacion y personajes del dmc por decir algo,se meriendan a la del bayonetta,estan a años luz.No soporto a la tia del bayonetta y si te digo la verdad,tras 2 horas de juego,acabe mas quemado que con ningun juego en mi vida xD.No por dificultad,pero es que las sobradas de la protagonista y demas tonterias,se me atragantaban de mala manera.
Entiendo que el bayonetta tenga su publico,y si sale a mi no me molestara para nada,pero no caere en la trampa de volverlo a comprar.
Pero vamos,prefiero mil veces un buen dmc que el bayonetta.
intxisu escribió:tony stonem escribió:Para que nadie se ofenda,voy a decir que lo siguiente es mi opinion.Obviamente,no seria necesario si la gente no se llevara las opiniones de los demas al terreno personal,pero bueno.
La ambientacion y personajes del dmc por decir algo,se meriendan a la del bayonetta,estan a años luz.No soporto a la tia del bayonetta y si te digo la verdad,tras 2 horas de juego,acabe mas quemado que con ningun juego en mi vida xD.No por dificultad,pero es que las sobradas de la protagonista y demas tonterias,se me atragantaban de mala manera.
Entiendo que el bayonetta tenga su publico,y si sale a mi no me molestara para nada,pero no caere en la trampa de volverlo a comprar.
Pero vamos,prefiero mil veces un buen dmc que el bayonetta.
Respeto y entiendo lo que dices, yo también he sido incapaz de ver series como Big Bang Theory o La Que Se Avecina por el asco y repelús a algunos de sus protagonistas, pero a pesar de ello finalmente he terminado aceptándolos y disfrutando de las series como un niño con una bici nueva.
Yo que tú le volvería a dar una oportunidad pasado un tiempo (que te lo deje un amigo o algo, que luego no te gusta y me como yo el marrón) y seguro que lo ves de forma distinta.
Aunque claro, para gustos los colores.
silenthill escribió:Quantic Dream han iniciado un casting en el que buscan a una actriz de entre 10 y 13 para grabaciones de voz y captura de movimientos. Entre los requerimientos destaca que tiene que hablar inglés con fluidez y con acento americano
Narcyl escribió:silenthill escribió:Quantic Dream han iniciado un casting en el que buscan a una actriz de entre 10 y 13 para grabaciones de voz y captura de movimientos. Entre los requerimientos destaca que tiene que hablar inglés con fluidez y con acento americano
HYPEEEEEEEE por las nubes xd
edit: sorry, pero toda noticia que insinue que quantic dream esta trabajando me alegran.
Los creadores de Heavy Rain han anunciado el desarrollo de “Horizon” lo nuevo de la compañía francesa; recordamos que Heavy Rain es aquel título, que -como Quantic Dream afirma-, es una película interactiva más que un videojuego, alabado por la critica y sobre todo por los millones de gamers que han tenido la fortuna de jugarlo, disfrutar la profundidad de su historia, pero sobre todo, que han sabido comprender el concepto del cual Heavy Rain hace gala.
Quantic Dream ha anunciado que el casting de selección para participar en “Horizon” ha comenzado, el lugar en donde se llevará a cabo dicha selección será Los Angeles California, aún sin especificar el lugar; David Cage, creador de Heavy Rain, ha desvelado que este nuevo título estará centrado en una pareja de “veinteañeros” y que para nada tendrá algo que ver con la historia de Heavy Rain; “Horizon será diferente y sobre todo, sorprendente”. Cage afirma que la historia de este nuevo título está terminada desde hace tiempo ya.
David comentó también que “Horizon” será mostrado “más pronto de lo que esperamos”, ¿acaso será que en el próximo E3 veamos algo de “Horizon” o tan solo será anunciado?. Que ganas de ver lo nuevo de Quantic Dream, sin duda, el estudio ha sabido ganarse a los videojugadores con esta clase de juegos.
SEGA and Marvel announced Captain America: Super Soldier today for a 2011 release on DS, PSP, PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
The announcement comes almost a year after Marvel outed the game in a financial report alongside one based on Thor.
“Videogame players the world over can now become Marvel’s iconic Super Hero Captain America,” said Gary Knight, senior VP of marketing at SEGA Europe and SEGA America.
“Captain America: Super Soldier puts players in the boots of the ultimate Super-Soldier, wielding Captain America’s legendary shield. Working closely with Marvel ensures we’re delivering the calibre product that gamers and comic fans deserve and it’s a partnership we’re proud of here at SEGA.”
In the game, players step into the shoes of Captain America as he faces the Red Skull and his army in a third- person action adventure set in World War II.
Wielding the Captain’s shield, gamers will engage in “free-flowing combat and acrobatic platforming to infiltrate Hydra’s mysterious castle and battle the infamous Iron Cross, the forces of Hydra, and a host of nefarious enemies serving the Red Skull”.
Here’s more via the press release:
Captain America: Super Soldier combines a highly athletic combat system with fluid platforming and a highly tuned suite of shield attacks, as Cap explores a massive castle turned military installation. His shield can be employed in numerous ways: taking out multiple enemies at once, deflecting incoming fire back at enemies, solving puzzles, and scaling walls. Players will be able to launch shield-first into the fray with the superior force of the world’s first Super-Soldier at their fingertips-and they’ll need every bit of that strength to overcome a castle that’s both an acrobatic playground for the Captain’s physical prowess and a house of mystery with enemies and danger at every turn.
The story is being penned by Christos Gage, which should make fans rather pleased, and Gage wrote the story so the “setting exists within the same world as the upcoming movie of the same name” but infused with “immersive twists designed to enhance gameplay with all-new cinematic action sequences”.
Directed by Joe Jonston, the film Captain America: The First Avenger stars Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America along with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull, Tommy Lee Jones as Col. Chester Phillips, and Stanley Tucci as Abraham Erskine.
It’s set for release in July 2011, with the game’s release expected to coincide with the film’s debut.
Darkwatch was a rich man's Van Helsing. It was damn cool. It's been 5 years since we heard anything about a possible sequel, apart from the possibility that it's been planned for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Darkwatch 2 might be coming sooner than you think.
High Moon Studios are hiring for a new title. It's high-end, needs motion capture and works on the Unreal Engine 3. It also features:"...both stylized and realistic animation for human and non-human characters with an emphasis on acting performance"
High Moon have made both The Bourne Conspiracy and the recent Transformers: War for Cybertron. However, neither of those has the need for human and non-human motion capture. The only other games is Darkwatch, which had werewolf-type things. So, it's very possible Darkwatch 2 could be the next big thing - watch this space.
Oh, and this bit cracks us up:"Experience with acting, martial arts or dancing"
Dancing? This game is gonna kick ass.
goldenaxeband escribió:Rumor: High Moon Studios trabajando en "Darkwatch 2"Darkwatch was a rich man's Van Helsing. It was damn cool. It's been 5 years since we heard anything about a possible sequel, apart from the possibility that it's been planned for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Darkwatch 2 might be coming sooner than you think.
High Moon Studios are hiring for a new title. It's high-end, needs motion capture and works on the Unreal Engine 3. It also features:"...both stylized and realistic animation for human and non-human characters with an emphasis on acting performance"
High Moon have made both The Bourne Conspiracy and the recent Transformers: War for Cybertron. However, neither of those has the need for human and non-human motion capture. The only other games is Darkwatch, which had werewolf-type things. So, it's very possible Darkwatch 2 could be the next big thing - watch this space.
Oh, and this bit cracks us up:"Experience with acting, martial arts or dancing"
Dancing? This game is gonna kick ass.
Fuente: Gamersguidetolife
A falta de hilo, unas cuantas imágenes del título del Capitán América:
cloud_cato escribió:Yo estoy jugando ahora al HR y, para mi, es de largo el mejor juego de PS3, para mi... q no quiero crear debate.
Narcyl escribió:cloud_cato escribió:Yo estoy jugando ahora al HR y, para mi, es de largo el mejor juego de PS3, para mi... q no quiero crear debate.
que me perdonen mis juegos favoritos, pero pienso igual.
cloud_cato escribió:Silent, no me refería a q lo tuyo fuese una noticia antigua ni mucho menos, sino q pensaba q
Narcyl no conocía la noticia de ecetia fechada el 2 de Junio y se la he vuelto a postear.
Yo estoy jugando ahora al HR y, para mi, es de largo el mejor juego de PS3, para mi... q no quiero crear debate.
Un saludo.
Si sois aficionados a los juegos de 2K Games, y estáis deseando probar Duke Nukem Forever, estáis de suerte, porque la edición GOTY de Borderlands traerá un codigo exclusivo que os dará acceso a la demo del eterno DNF asi como a contenido adicional para la versión final del mismo.
cloud_cato escribió:Demo Duke NukemSi sois aficionados a los juegos de 2K Games, y estáis deseando probar Duke Nukem Forever, estáis de suerte, porque la edición GOTY de Borderlands traerá un codigo exclusivo que os dará acceso a la demo del eterno DNF asi como a contenido adicional para la versión final del mismo.
Fuente: pulpofrito
Un saludo.
Astral escribió:
- Little Queen és un personaje misterioso que aparecerá en el nuevo escenario
- Habrá un montón de trajes disponibles
- Nuevas Técnicas
- Habilidad de cambiar de personaje durante el combate gracias a un nuevo objeto
- El mando de PS sigue siendo muy cómodo para los controles de la saga Tales
Apartir de mañana estará disponible la demos de ToG en el store JAP
Un saludo
Namco69 escribió:Porque me poneis los dientes largos, x queeeeeeeeeee
Astral escribió:Namco69 escribió:Porque me poneis los dientes largos, x queeeeeeeeeee
Siempre puedes armarte de valor y comprarlo JAP xD yo estaría dispuesto a echarte una mano si necesistases ayuda
Astral escribió:Ya os digo que aunque no sepais japones los juegos son perfectamente jugables, a excepcion de aquellos los cuales tengan mucho diálogo como los Ryu Ga Gotoku porque se puede hacer pesado el jugar, pero por lo demas creo que lo disfrutarias casi igual que cualquier otro juego.
Personalmente os animo a que probeis, aunque si mal no recuerdo no se si era Namco el que se había pasado el Pokémon oro o plata en Koreano y había quedado traumatizado xD
Namco69 escribió:dios, pero como sabes eso? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Recuerdo que lo conté en el foro pero macho, de ahi a que se acuerde un forero... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Namco69 escribió:Pues imaginate la gracia. Sin internet ni nada para consultar, te mandaban a hablar con alguien que estaba en la quinta polla, y como no te enterabas de una mierda buscate la vida para conseguir avanzar xDDD
Encima tenia no se si 11 o 12 años, cagate
Namco69 escribió:Pero no creo que lo hiciera otra vez. Pasarse un rpg sin enterarte de la historia...
Platinum Games chief Atsushi Inaba has revealed the developer is working on a “big multiplayer title.”
Platinum’s skipped multiplayer on previous titles such as Madworld, Bayonetta and the upcoming Vanquish, but Inaba says something is on the way alongside “many different projects.”
“We haven’t officially announced it yet, but we have a big multiplayer title that we’re working on right now,” he told NowGamer.
“There are many different projects running internally, but please look out for the announcement.”
Platinum’s next title, Vanquish, releases on October 22 on PS3 and 360.
More Need for Speed from Criterion? That’s interesting. But more Burnout? You’ve got our attention.
Criterion producer Craig Sullivan’s told Gamerzines it’s interested in making more Need for Speed and Burnout titles within the studio.
“Do I like Burnout more than I like Need For Speed? No,” said Sullivan.
“I like them both equally because they’re both the best I could do to give people a fun game regardless of whether or not it’s called Burnout, Need For Speed, Black, a game about jelly… you always pour your heart into it.”
He continues:
Would I like to make another Burnout game? Yes. Would I like to make another Need For Speed game? Yes. Would I like to make something completely different to both of those? Yes. I like making games, it’s the coolest job in the world.”
The Guildford studio’s last Burnout title was Burnout Paradise, which released back in 2008 and supported a great amount of DLC.
Criterion revealed its Need for Speed effort, Hot Pursuit, at E3 following a year-long hype-train for it. It releases on November 19 for PS3, 360, PC and Wii.
Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has told VG247 he’d “definitely like to work” again with Enslaved writer Alex Garland.
Hollywood writer Garland, who penned 28 Days Later, The Beach and even an adaptation for the Halo movie, wrote the game’s story, but Antoniades says there could be “plenty more” learnt between him and Ninja Theory.
“It goes without saying that Alex is a very talented writer, but he brought so much more than his writing to the game,” said Antoniades.
“As a film producer he brought a refreshing perspective to the game, and one that we learnt a lot from. There’s plenty more we can learn from each other!”
For the first time Premier Manager will be available for PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Network across all major European territories, India and Australia.
With a complete graphical and engine overhaul from previous versions, Premier Manager allows users to lead their teams to glory in a new version designed specifically for PlayStation 3. With up-to-date player stats from the latest transfer window and updates throughout the season, the game is as realistic as possible.
“This is a new beginning for Premier Manager with the launch on a new platform for the title. We are very proud of the product and are sure that users will enjoy the experience on the PlayStation 3.” For the first time we are in direct contact with our community through social networking sites and forums, giving us an invaluable insight into the features they want to see in future releases.”– Jon Hughes (Product Manager– Urbanscan)
Premier Manager is the ideal game for gamers who have a passion for the beautiful game. Can you handle pressure at the highest level? Will your team top the table or will you be bottom of the pile?
Key Features:
* Interface: Designed in line with PS3 functionality, enhanced for HD.
* Leaderboards: Rate yourself against your friends and rivals and rise to the top of the ranks to become the true“Premier Manager”.
* Database: Play in 14 of the world’s best leagues with over 500 clubs to choose from.
* Downloadable Content: Regular game, transfer and competition updates.
Priced at £13.99 (UK)
El poder de la fuerza 3 a la vista
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 project lead Julio Torres has quashed rumours that a potential sequel has been cancelled
The Force Unleashed 2 is out later this month, preceded by a demo next week. Speaking to SciFiNow magazine's Sam Roberts about room in the Star Wars canon for further Starkiller adventures, Torres said: "Well I can’t tell you how the game [TFU2] ends because that would ruin it for you, but I can tell you that the timeframe for The Force Unleashed and TFU II is about a year, and there’s still, between that and Episode IV, a couple of years for us to play with."
"So that means no matter how the game ends for Starkiller and Vader for TFU II, we still have some time to figure out how we solidify the canon so that everything makes sense for IV."
"Obviously, if that were to be exposed, it would most likely be a TFU III. I’m just afraid I can’t share what that could be yet because we’re still figuring it out. I cautioned that…the key is that, that time is still left. If we had finished TFU II and we were up against the timeframe, we would probably have been done."
In August mounting speculation alleged that newly-appointed LucasArts president Paul Meegan had cancelled the already in development Force Unleashed 3.
cloud_cato escribió:Rumor made in goldenaxeband
El poder de la fuerza 3 a la vista
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 project lead Julio Torres has quashed rumours that a potential sequel has been cancelled
The Force Unleashed 2 is out later this month, preceded by a demo next week. Speaking to SciFiNow magazine's Sam Roberts about room in the Star Wars canon for further Starkiller adventures, Torres said: "Well I can’t tell you how the game [TFU2] ends because that would ruin it for you, but I can tell you that the timeframe for The Force Unleashed and TFU II is about a year, and there’s still, between that and Episode IV, a couple of years for us to play with."
"So that means no matter how the game ends for Starkiller and Vader for TFU II, we still have some time to figure out how we solidify the canon so that everything makes sense for IV."
"Obviously, if that were to be exposed, it would most likely be a TFU III. I’m just afraid I can’t share what that could be yet because we’re still figuring it out. I cautioned that…the key is that, that time is still left. If we had finished TFU II and we were up against the timeframe, we would probably have been done."
In August mounting speculation alleged that newly-appointed LucasArts president Paul Meegan had cancelled the already in development Force Unleashed 3.
roberto28live escribió:vaya, acabo de enviarle un mp con en lace que habla de lo mismo
Astral escribió:
Apartir de mañana estará disponible la demos de ToG en el store JAP
Un saludo
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct 07, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- A new breed of mutant heroes will invade game consoles next fall in X-Men(TM): Destiny, from Marvel(TM) Entertainment and Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI). The all-new original video game casts players as new mutant recruits in a rich, branching storyline that features a deep element of choice and gives players ultimate control of their destiny. Attendees of New York Comic-Con, which is going on now through October 10, can get a sneak peek of the game in Activision's booth #1833. In addition, fans can learn more about the original storyline which is being penned by acclaimed Marvel X-Men: Legacy writer Mike Carey, during the Marvel Games Panel on Saturday, October 9, at 10:45 a.m. in Room 1A06.
New artwork has appeared showing Free Radical Design's ill-fated shooter sequel, Time Splitters 4.
The FPS was canned back in late 2008, shortly before the UK developer went bust. The studio went on to be absorbed by Crytek.
The artwork on this page comes via freelance artist Neil Roberts, and shows off his Americana, Ancient Greece and Hammer Horror styles pitched for the axed shooter.
Crytek UK could still do something with the TimeSplitters name and property, but from what we understand this version of the sequel is dead in the water.
cloud_cato escribió:Timesplitters nunca me ha llamado la atención, pero me extraña q no se haga la segunda parte con la de seguidores q tiene y el carisma q derrocha, y sin embargo otros juegos menores si tienen sagas de hasta tres entregas...
goldenaxeband escribió:Marvel y Activision anuncian "X Men: Destiny"SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct 07, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- A new breed of mutant heroes will invade game consoles next fall in X-Men(TM): Destiny, from Marvel(TM) Entertainment and Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI). The all-new original video game casts players as new mutant recruits in a rich, branching storyline that features a deep element of choice and gives players ultimate control of their destiny. Attendees of New York Comic-Con, which is going on now through October 10, can get a sneak peek of the game in Activision's booth #1833. In addition, fans can learn more about the original storyline which is being penned by acclaimed Marvel X-Men: Legacy writer Mike Carey, during the Marvel Games Panel on Saturday, October 9, at 10:45 a.m. in Room 1A06.
Fuente: Everythingforgamers
Silicon Knights (Too Human).
Drian-kun escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:Marvel y Activision anuncian "X Men: Destiny"SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct 07, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- A new breed of mutant heroes will invade game consoles next fall in X-Men(TM): Destiny, from Marvel(TM) Entertainment and Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI). The all-new original video game casts players as new mutant recruits in a rich, branching storyline that features a deep element of choice and gives players ultimate control of their destiny. Attendees of New York Comic-Con, which is going on now through October 10, can get a sneak peek of the game in Activision's booth #1833. In addition, fans can learn more about the original storyline which is being penned by acclaimed Marvel X-Men: Legacy writer Mike Carey, during the Marvel Games Panel on Saturday, October 9, at 10:45 a.m. in Room 1A06.
Fuente: Everythingforgamers
Cuando sepais quienes lo hacen no querreis saber nada de él.Silicon Knights (Too Human).