Archlinux no conecta por ethernet [SIN RESOLVER!]

Buenas a todos.

Estoy intentando instalar ArchLinux (la versión mínima por pendrive) en mi Acer Aspire One, del cual, existe el siguiente manual: mi problema esta al configurar internet, ya que los ping nunca llegan.

He intentado usando "detectar" para el ethernet en la instalación para hacer funcionar (y tras esto, configurar la red) y nada. He intentado cargando el modulo (modprobe r8169) y tampoco... (y eso que no use autodetectar, por si hay conflictos).

Os copio las características técnicas:
* Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHz cpu, smp capable(hyperthreading like PIV), up to SSE3 extensions, no EM64T!
* Intel 945GME chipset
* Intel 950 GMA onboard graphics adapter
* 8,9 inch Acer Crystal Brite 1024×600 display
* Realtek High Definition Audio ALC260
* Battery: 11.V 41,2Wh/2200mAh or 45Wh/2400mAh Lithium-Ionen-Akku / 3 cell, with a 6 cell model planned
* sd(hc) Card Reader left side: RICOH R5C8xx
* Multi Card Reader right side Seite: JMicron JMB385 Flash Media Controller
* Webcam: Acer Crystal Eye Webcam (Suyin Optronics)
* Wlan: Atheros AR5007EG (Chipset 2425)
* LAN: Realtek RTL8102E
* Touchpad: Synaptics
* Weight: 960 gr.
* Size: 24,9 x 17 x 2,9 cm
* One memory expansion slot ( So-DIMM DDRII 400/533/667MHz up to 1GB) under the keyboard hard to access see memory upgrade; max. 1,5GB
* One 512MB memory stick onboard soldered
* 8GB solid state disc

A ver si me podéis echar una mano... [beer]

Muchas gracias y un saludo.
Creo que lo deberias preguntar en los foros de ArchLinux:

Un saludo.
Igual deberías pegar los logs del kernel tras cargar el módulo y la salida de ifconfig -a

- ferdy
He conseguido arreglar el problema instalando archlinux básico y despues en modules poniendo ! a unos modulos conflictivos, pero tengo un problema muy extraño: puedo hacer ping con un equipo de mi red, pero no con uno como "", y eso que tengo los DNSs en /etc/resolv.conf

A ver si me podéis echar una manita... :P

Gracias y un saludo.

EDIT: He hecho la prueba y no conecta fuera de la red, es decir, no conecta a internet. Devuelve:

ping: unknown host

connect: Network is unreachable


Solucionado con lo siguiente:
/sbin/route add -net gw eth0

Tras reiniciar ha dejado de funcionar y nada de lo anterior funciona!!

sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo dhcpcd eth0


Si no funciona, actualiza el kernel.

Y si tampoco funciona pega los logs del kernel y la salida de ifconfig -a
Segun lo que leo has levantado la conexion a mano, pero solo te serviria hasta el proximo reinicio, por que no pruebas con los scripts de networking del arch?
tienes agregado el demonio "network" en la sección DEAMONS que esta en el /etc/rc.conf?
tengo configurado los datos en el rc.conf de arch y en el daemons esta network

PD: Ahora esta funcionando por arte de magia y eso que no hice nada. Pero tengo miedo que al reiniciar se me vaya de nuevo...
En estos casos siempre ayuda un posteo de tu rc.conf por si tuvieras algo raro.
De paso tambien, el network manager, wicd y demas herramientas de configuración de redes "semiautomáticas" se llevan regular con los intentos de configuración manual (no se si estás usando alguna).
Aquí esta mi rc.conf :P
# /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
# HARDWARECLOCK: set to "UTC" or "localtime"
# USEDIRECTISA: use direct I/O requests instead of /dev/rtc for hwclock
# TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
# KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
# CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
# CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
# USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MOD_AUTOLOAD: Allow autoloading of modules at boot and when needed
# MOD_BLACKLIST: Prevent udev from loading these modules
# MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Prefix with a ! to blacklist.
# NOTE: Use of 'MOD_BLACKLIST' is deprecated. Please use ! in the MODULES array.
#MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
MODULES=(r8169 !ath5k !memstick acpi_cpufreq ath_hal ath_pci wlan
snd-hwdep snd-page-alloc snd-pcm snd-timer snd snd-hda-intel soundcore)

# Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts

# Use 'ifconfig -a' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
# Interfaces to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each interface then list in INTERFACES
#   - prefix an entry in INTERFACES with a ! to disable it
#   - no hyphens in your interface names - Bash doesn't like it
# DHCP:     Set your interface to "dhcp" (eth0="dhcp")
# Wireless: See network profiles below
eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"

# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
#   - prefix an entry in ROUTES with a ! to disable it
gateway="default gw"

# Enable these network profiles at boot-up.  These are only useful
# if you happen to need multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
#   - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
#   - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
# Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
# This now requires the netcfg package

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
#   - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
#   - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond)

Fuera de esto, en el manual que cite al principio, para la tarjeta wifi dicen que instale unos drivers. Bien, los bajo, ¿pero como los instalo? esa parte se la ha saltado el manual :P (por cierto, no tiene ni make ni nada parecido... son los *.ko por libre).

PD: Puse en la raíz el contenido del "driver", el cual tiene unos ejecutables para /usr/bin, la cosa es que no me inicia por ifconfig wlan, ¿como hago?
capitanquartz escribió:Fuera de esto, en el manual que cite al principio, para la tarjeta wifi dicen que instale unos drivers. Bien, los bajo, ¿pero como los instalo? esa parte se la ha saltado el manual :P (por cierto, no tiene ni make ni nada parecido... son los *.ko por libre).

Lo que esta en el manual es un paquete para instalarlo con el pacman
pacman -U

o tambien
pacman -U madwifi-hal-

capitanquartz escribió:PD: Puse en la raíz el contenido del "driver", el cual tiene unos ejecutables para /usr/bin, la cosa es que no me inicia por ifconfig wlan, ¿como hago?

Si lo pones a mano no te va a reconocer los modulos ya que en el ultimo paso de la instalación del paquete este actualiza la lista de modulos del kernel. usa lo del pacman -U que indique mas arriba

PD: el rc.conf me parece correcto, ya que estas usando una ip fija solo tendrias que poner el nameserver en el /etc/resolv.conf (o usar dhcp en el rc.conf y asi no tendrias que editar el resolv.conf)
Me dice ":: madwifi-hal: requires kernel126>=2.6.26". Si no tengo ni LAN ni WLAN, tendré que hacerlo desde otro equipo. ¿cómo puedo conseguir ese paquete para instalarlo después desde un pendrive? (perdón, soy nuevo en Arch). EDIT: Tengo pensado instalar el siguiente kernel: ... nel26-one/ EDIT2: Tras instalar el kernel antes nombrado, madwifi......tar.gz me sigue pidiendo kernel26>=2.6.26 EDIT3: ¡Con el kernel 2.6.26-one el LAN parece funcionar! :D ahora solo queda el madwifi... ¿me podéis echar una mano para conseguirlo e implementar bien este kernel?

PD: He instalado xfce4. Funciona bien, pero el mapeado de caracteres no es "es" y "loadkeys es" como que no funciona. ¿cómo consigo ponerlo para español offline? EDIT: ¡¡Arreglado!! Modificado xorg.conf EDIT2: No me funcionan muchas teclas... entre ellas la "ñ", CONTROL+ALT+F1...
capitanquartz escribió:PD: He instalado xfce4. Funciona bien, pero el mapeado de caracteres no es "es" y "loadkeys es" como que no funciona. ¿cómo consigo ponerlo para español offline? EDIT: ¡¡Arreglado!! Modificado xorg.conf EDIT2: No me funcionan muchas teclas... entre ellas la "ñ", CONTROL+ALT+F1...

Prueba con xkbmodel en pc105, en mi caso lo tengo asi y me funcionan todas las teclas.

Driver       "kbd"
Option      "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option      "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option      "XkbLayout" "es"
Ya esta pusto pc105 :P

Pongo aquí unos archivos para ayudar...

PD: Sigo con el problema del madwifi:
:: madwifi-hal: requires kernel126>=2.6.26
Creo que ya tengo esa versión de kernel (arch 2008) aunque tambien deseo poder usar el mio propio, que es optimizado para mi maquina y arregla el bug del ethernet.

# /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
# HARDWARECLOCK: set to "UTC" or "localtime"
# USEDIRECTISA: use direct I/O requests instead of /dev/rtc for hwclock
# TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
# KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
# CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
# CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
# USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MOD_AUTOLOAD: Allow autoloading of modules at boot and when needed
# MOD_BLACKLIST: Prevent udev from loading these modules
# MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Prefix with a ! to blacklist.
# NOTE: Use of 'MOD_BLACKLIST' is deprecated. Please use ! in the MODULES array.
#MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
MODULES=(r8169 !ath5k !memstick acpi_cpufreq ath_hal ath_pci wlan
snd-hwdep snd-page-alloc snd-pcm snd-timer snd snd-hda-intel soundcore)

# Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts

# Use 'ifconfig -a' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
# Interfaces to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each interface then list in INTERFACES
#   - prefix an entry in INTERFACES with a ! to disable it
#   - no hyphens in your interface names - Bash doesn't like it
# DHCP:     Set your interface to "dhcp" (eth0="dhcp")
# Wireless: See network profiles below
eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"

# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
#   - prefix an entry in ROUTES with a ! to disable it
gateway="default gw"

# Enable these network profiles at boot-up.  These are only useful
# if you happen to need multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
#   - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
#   - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
# Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
# This now requires the netcfg package

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
#   - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
#   - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond)

## Configuration file for locale-gen
## lists of locales that are to be generated by the locale-gen command.
## Each line is of the form:
##     <locale> <charset>
##  where <locale> is one of the locales given in /usr/share/i18n/locales
##  and <charset> is one of the character sets listed in /usr/share/i18n/charmaps
##  Examples:
##  en_US ISO-8859-1
##  en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
##  de_DE ISO-8859-1
##  de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15
##  The locale-gen command will generate all the locales,
##  placing them in /usr/lib/locale.
##  A list of supported locales is included in this file.
##  Uncomment the ones you need.
## This file names the currently supported and somewhat tested locales.
## If you have any additions please file a glibc bug report.
#aa_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#aa_DJ ISO-8859-1 
#aa_ER UTF-8 
#aa_ER@saaho UTF-8 
#aa_ET UTF-8 
#af_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#af_ZA ISO-8859-1 
#am_ET UTF-8 
#an_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#an_ES ISO-8859-15 
#ar_AE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_AE ISO-8859-6 
#ar_BH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_BH ISO-8859-6 
#ar_DZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_DZ ISO-8859-6 
#ar_EG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_EG ISO-8859-6 
#ar_IN UTF-8 
#ar_IQ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_IQ ISO-8859-6 
#ar_JO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_JO ISO-8859-6 
#ar_KW.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_KW ISO-8859-6 
#ar_LB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_LB ISO-8859-6 
#ar_LY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_LY ISO-8859-6 
#ar_MA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_MA ISO-8859-6 
#ar_OM.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_OM ISO-8859-6 
#ar_QA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_QA ISO-8859-6 
#ar_SA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_SA ISO-8859-6 
#ar_SD.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_SD ISO-8859-6 
#ar_SY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_SY ISO-8859-6 
#ar_TN.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_TN ISO-8859-6 
#ar_YE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ar_YE ISO-8859-6 
#az_AZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#as_IN.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ast_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ast_ES ISO-8859-15 
#be_BY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#be_BY CP1251 
#be_BY@latin UTF-8 
#ber_DZ UTF-8 
#ber_MA UTF-8 
#bg_BG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#bg_BG CP1251 
#bn_BD UTF-8 
#bn_IN UTF-8 
#bo_CN UTF-8 
#bo_IN UTF-8 
#br_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#br_FR ISO-8859-1 
#br_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 
#bs_BA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#bs_BA ISO-8859-2 
#byn_ER UTF-8 
#ca_AD.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ca_AD ISO-8859-15 
#ca_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ca_ES ISO-8859-1 
#ca_ES@euro ISO-8859-15 
#ca_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ca_FR ISO-8859-15 
#ca_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ca_IT ISO-8859-15 
#crh_UA UTF-8 
#cs_CZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#cs_CZ ISO-8859-2 
#csb_PL UTF-8 
#cy_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#cy_GB ISO-8859-14 
#da_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#da_DK ISO-8859-1 
#de_AT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_AT ISO-8859-1 
#de_AT@euro ISO-8859-15 
#de_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_BE ISO-8859-1 
#de_BE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_CH ISO-8859-1 
#de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_DE ISO-8859-1 
#de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#de_LU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_LU ISO-8859-1 
#de_LU@euro ISO-8859-15 
#dz_BT UTF-8 
#el_GR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#el_GR ISO-8859-7 
#el_CY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#el_CY ISO-8859-7 
#en_AU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_AU ISO-8859-1 
#en_BW.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_BW ISO-8859-1 
#en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_CA ISO-8859-1 
#en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_DK ISO-8859-1 
#en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_GB ISO-8859-1 
#en_HK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_HK ISO-8859-1 
#en_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_IE ISO-8859-1 
#en_IE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#en_IN UTF-8 
#en_NG UTF-8 
#en_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_NZ ISO-8859-1 
#en_PH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_PH ISO-8859-1 
#en_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_SG ISO-8859-1 
#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_US ISO-8859-1 
#en_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_ZA ISO-8859-1 
#en_ZW.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#en_ZW ISO-8859-1 
#es_AR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_AR ISO-8859-1 
#es_BO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_BO ISO-8859-1 
#es_CL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_CL ISO-8859-1 
#es_CO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_CO ISO-8859-1 
#es_CR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_CR ISO-8859-1 
#es_DO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_DO ISO-8859-1 
#es_EC.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_EC ISO-8859-1 
es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
es_ES ISO-8859-1 
es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15 
#es_GT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_GT ISO-8859-1 
#es_HN.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_HN ISO-8859-1 
#es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_MX ISO-8859-1 
#es_NI.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_NI ISO-8859-1 
#es_PA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_PA ISO-8859-1 
#es_PE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_PE ISO-8859-1 
#es_PR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_PR ISO-8859-1 
#es_PY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_PY ISO-8859-1 
#es_SV.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_SV ISO-8859-1 
#es_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_US ISO-8859-1 
#es_UY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_UY ISO-8859-1 
#es_VE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#es_VE ISO-8859-1 
#et_EE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#et_EE ISO-8859-1 
#et_EE.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15 
#eu_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#eu_ES ISO-8859-1 
#eu_ES@euro ISO-8859-15 
#fa_IR UTF-8 
#fi_FI.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fi_FI ISO-8859-1 
#fi_FI@euro ISO-8859-15 
#fil_PH UTF-8 
#fo_FO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fo_FO ISO-8859-1 
#fr_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fr_BE ISO-8859-1 
#fr_BE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#fr_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fr_CA ISO-8859-1 
#fr_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fr_CH ISO-8859-1 
#fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fr_FR ISO-8859-1 
#fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 
#fr_LU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#fr_LU ISO-8859-1 
#fr_LU@euro ISO-8859-15 
#fur_IT UTF-8 
#fy_NL UTF-8 
#fy_DE UTF-8 
#ga_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ga_IE ISO-8859-1 
#ga_IE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#gd_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#gd_GB ISO-8859-15 
#gez_ER UTF-8 
#gez_ER@abegede UTF-8 
#gez_ET UTF-8 
#gez_ET@abegede UTF-8 
#gl_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#gl_ES ISO-8859-1 
#gl_ES@euro ISO-8859-15 
#gu_IN UTF-8 
#gv_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#gv_GB ISO-8859-1 
#ha_NG UTF-8 
#he_IL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#he_IL ISO-8859-8 
#hi_IN UTF-8 
#hr_HR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#hr_HR ISO-8859-2 
#hsb_DE ISO-8859-2 
#hsb_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#hu_HU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#hu_HU ISO-8859-2 
#hy_AM UTF-8 
#id_ID.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#id_ID ISO-8859-1 
#ig_NG UTF-8 
#ik_CA UTF-8 
#is_IS.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#is_IS ISO-8859-1 
#it_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#it_CH ISO-8859-1 
#it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#it_IT ISO-8859-1 
#it_IT@euro ISO-8859-15 
#iu_CA UTF-8 
#iw_IL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#iw_IL ISO-8859-8 
#ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ka_GE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#kk_KZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#kk_KZ PT154 
#kl_GL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#kl_GL ISO-8859-1 
#km_KH UTF-8 
#kn_IN UTF-8 
#ko_KR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ku_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ku_TR ISO-8859-9 
#kw_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#kw_GB ISO-8859-1 
#ky_KG UTF-8 
#lg_UG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#lg_UG ISO-8859-10 
#li_BE UTF-8 
#li_NL UTF-8 
#lo_LA UTF-8 
#lt_LT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#lt_LT ISO-8859-13 
#lv_LV.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#lv_LV ISO-8859-13 
#mai_IN UTF-8 
#mg_MG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#mg_MG ISO-8859-15 
#mi_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#mi_NZ ISO-8859-13 
#mk_MK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#mk_MK ISO-8859-5 
#ml_IN UTF-8 
#mn_MN UTF-8 
#mr_IN UTF-8 
#ms_MY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ms_MY ISO-8859-1 
#mt_MT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#mt_MT ISO-8859-3 
#nb_NO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#nb_NO ISO-8859-1 
#nds_DE UTF-8 
#nds_NL UTF-8 
#ne_NP UTF-8 
#nl_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#nl_BE ISO-8859-1 
#nl_BE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#nl_NL ISO-8859-1 
#nl_NL@euro ISO-8859-15 
#nn_NO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#nn_NO ISO-8859-1 
#nr_ZA UTF-8 
#nso_ZA UTF-8 
#oc_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#oc_FR ISO-8859-1 
#om_ET UTF-8 
#om_KE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#om_KE ISO-8859-1 
#or_IN UTF-8 
#pa_IN UTF-8 
#pa_PK UTF-8 
#pap_AN UTF-8 
#pl_PL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#pl_PL ISO-8859-2 
#pt_BR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#pt_BR ISO-8859-1 
#pt_PT.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#pt_PT ISO-8859-1 
#pt_PT@euro ISO-8859-15 
#ro_RO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ro_RO ISO-8859-2 
#ru_RU.KOI8-R KOI8-R 
#ru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ru_RU ISO-8859-5 
#ru_UA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ru_UA KOI8-U 
#rw_RW UTF-8 
#sa_IN UTF-8 
#sc_IT UTF-8 
#se_NO UTF-8 
#shs_CA UTF-8 
#si_LK UTF-8 
#sid_ET UTF-8 
#sk_SK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#sk_SK ISO-8859-2 
#sl_SI.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#sl_SI ISO-8859-2 
#so_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#so_DJ ISO-8859-1 
#so_ET UTF-8 
#so_KE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#so_KE ISO-8859-1 
#so_SO.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#so_SO ISO-8859-1 
#sq_AL.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#sq_AL ISO-8859-1 
#sr_ME UTF-8 
#sr_RS UTF-8 
#sr_RS@latin UTF-8 
#ss_ZA UTF-8 
#st_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#st_ZA ISO-8859-1 
#sv_FI.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#sv_FI ISO-8859-1 
#sv_FI@euro ISO-8859-15 
#sv_SE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#sv_SE ISO-8859-1 
#ta_IN UTF-8 
#te_IN UTF-8 
#tg_TJ.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#tg_TJ KOI8-T 
#th_TH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#th_TH TIS-620 
#ti_ER UTF-8 
#ti_ET UTF-8 
#tig_ER UTF-8 
#tk_TM UTF-8 
#tl_PH.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#tl_PH ISO-8859-1 
#tn_ZA UTF-8 
#tr_CY.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#tr_CY ISO-8859-9 
#tr_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#tr_TR ISO-8859-9 
#ts_ZA UTF-8 
#tt_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#tt_RU@iqtelif.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#ug_CN UTF-8 
#uk_UA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#uk_UA KOI8-U 
#ur_PK UTF-8 
#uz_UZ ISO-8859-1 
#uz_UZ@cyrillic UTF-8 
#ve_ZA UTF-8 
#vi_VN.TCVN TCVN5712-1 
#vi_VN UTF-8 
#wa_BE ISO-8859-1 
#wa_BE@euro ISO-8859-15 
#wa_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#wo_SN UTF-8 
#xh_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#xh_ZA ISO-8859-1 
#yi_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#yi_US CP1255 
#yo_NG UTF-8 
#zh_CN.GB18030 GB18030 
#zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#zh_CN GB2312 
#zh_HK.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#zh_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#zh_SG GB2312 
#zh_TW.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#zh_TW BIG5 
#zu_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#zu_ZA ISO-8859-1 

# Xorg configuration created by system-config-display

Section "ServerFlags"
   Option "DontZap" "yes"
   Option "DontVTSwitch" "yes"

Section "ServerLayout"
   Identifier "Default Layout"
   Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
   InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
   InputDevice "Synaptics Mouse" "AlwaysCore"
   InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier "Keyboard0"
   Driver "kbd"
   Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
   Option "XkbLayout" "es"
   Option "XkbVariant" "euro"
   Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier "Synaptics Mouse"
   Driver "synaptics"
   Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
   Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
   Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
   Option "RightEdge" "5300"
   Option "TopEdge" "1700"
   Option "BottomEdge" "4200"
   Option "FingerLow" "25"
   Option "FingerHigh" "30"
   Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
   Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
   Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
   Option "MinSpeed" "0.09"
   Option "MaxSpeed" "0.18"
   Option "AccelFactor" "0.0015"
   Option "SHMConfig" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier "Mouse0"
   Driver "mouse"
   Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
   Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
   Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
   Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"

Section "Monitor"
   Identifier "Monitor0"
   Modeline "1024x600" 50.40 1024 1048 1184 1344 600 600 619 625
   # Option "Above" "Monitor1"

Section "Device"
   Identifier "Videocard0"
   Driver "intel"
   # Option "monitor-LVDS" "Monitor0"
   # Option "monitor-VGA" "Monitor1"
   Option "Clone" "true"
   Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,VGA"
   # Screen 0

Section "Screen"
   Identifier "Screen0"
   Device "Videocard0"
   Monitor "Monitor0"
   DefaultDepth 24
   SubSection "Display"
     Viewport 0 0
     Depth 24
     Modes "1024x600" "800x600" "640x480"
     Virtual 1024 600
capitanquartz escribió:PD: Sigo con el problema del madwifi:
:: madwifi-hal: requires kernel126>=2.6.26
Creo que ya tengo esa versión de kernel (arch 2008) aunque tambien deseo poder usar el mio propio, que es optimizado para mi maquina y arregla el bug del ethernet.

El problema esta en que madwifi-hal requiere el paquete kernel26 pero tu tienes instalado un kernel personalizado: kernel26-one (cosas de arch, espero que algun dia implementen dependencias virtuales como gentoo :-| ). Bueno, vamos con la solución:

mkdir madwifi-hal
cd madwifi-hal

Abres el archivo con un editor de texto y cambias las siguientes lineas
_kernver=2.6.26-ARCH; ----> _kernver=2.6.26-one;
depends=('kernel26>=2.6.26' 'kernel26<2.6.27') ----> depends=('kernel26-one>=2.6.26' 'kernel26-one<2.6.27')

Guardas los cambios, y ahora creas el paquete asi:
makepkg -c

Ese comando baja las fuentes y te compila el paquete (ahora con la dependencia arreglada XD ). Ahora solo te queda instalarlo con pacman -U
Voy a probar!! Gracias ^^
14 respuestas