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theogre escribió:mmm... veo... las dos capturas... idénticas.
Pásame tu .fonts.conf o /etc/fonts/local.conf y dime que configuración tienes en gnome en ambos casos. Otra cosa ¿qué monitor tienes en el sobremesa?
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- Load local system customization file -->
<include ignore_missing="yes">local.conf</include>
Q. The OpenOffice.org menu font looks really bad. It doesn't use antialiasing either.
A. This can be changed in the OpenOffice.org configurator. From the drop-down menu, select "Tools/Options/OpenOffice.org/Fonts". Check the box that says "Apply Replacement Table". Type "Andale Sans UI" in the font box (this may have to be input manually, if it doesn't appear in the drop-down menu) and choose your desired font for the "Replace With" option. Dropline users may prefer the system default, "Trebuchet MS". When selected, click the checkmark box. Then choose the "always" and "screen" options in the box below. Apply the changes, and your menu fonts should look great.
Q. OpenOffice.org doesn't detect my TrueType fonts!
A. Make sure that you add the appropriate entry in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that points your programs to the /usr/share/fonts/ directory.
For example, here's a sample of an xorg.conf fileSection "Files"
RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
Another solution is to run the openoffice administration tool# /opt/openoffice/program/spadmin
from which you can add fonts
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- the cathectic LCD tweaks, from linuxquestions.org,
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?postid=1361098#post1361098 -->
<!-- Disable sub-pixel rendering.
X detects it anyway, and if you set this as well, it just looks really horrible -->
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting">
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle">
<!-- The first part of the 'magic.'
This makes the fonts start to look nice,
but some of the shapes will be distorted, so hinting is needed still -->
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias">
<!-- Autohinter is not turned on automatically.
Only disable this if you have recompiled Freetype with the bytecode interpreter,
which is run automatically.<br /> -->
<match target="pattern" >
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint">
<match target="font">
<test name="weight" compare="more">
<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
<!-- Helvetica is a non true type font, and will look bad.
This replaces it with whatever is the default sans-serif font -->
<match target="pattern" name="family" >
<test name="family" qual="any" >
<edit mode="assign" name="family" >
theogre escribió:Rebuscando en la wiki de archlinux he encontrado un FAQ en Fonts que hace referencia a openoffice en un caso similar al tuyo. Te copio:Q. The OpenOffice.org menu font looks really bad. It doesn't use antialiasing either.
A. This can be changed in the OpenOffice.org configurator. From the drop-down menu, select "Tools/Options/OpenOffice.org/Fonts". Check the box that says "Apply Replacement Table". Type "Andale Sans UI" in the font box (this may have to be input manually, if it doesn't appear in the drop-down menu) and choose your desired font for the "Replace With" option. Dropline users may prefer the system default, "Trebuchet MS". When selected, click the checkmark box. Then choose the "always" and "screen" options in the box below. Apply the changes, and your menu fonts should look great.
Q. OpenOffice.org doesn't detect my TrueType fonts!
A. Make sure that you add the appropriate entry in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that points your programs to the /usr/share/fonts/ directory.
For example, here's a sample of an xorg.conf fileSection "Files"
RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
Another solution is to run the openoffice administration tool# /opt/openoffice/program/spadmin
from which you can add fonts
Por cierto, no te preocupes si no tienes /etc/fonts/local.conf es el fichero de configuración global. Lo tengo para no tener que colocar un ~/.fonts.conf a cada usuario (aunque sólo tengo un usuario, ya ves tú) xD
Te recomendaría que optaras por instalar los parches -lcd o -cleartype, a mi me gusta más -lcd porque las fuentes son más nítidas, en cámbio -cleartype consigue mejores formas. Ya viene explicado en la wiki, del mismo sitio dónde encontré la FAQ:
PD: aun no me has dicho si usas un crt o un lcd en el sobremesa xP
EDIT: te copio mi configuración de fuentes:<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- the cathectic LCD tweaks, from linuxquestions.org,
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?postid=1361098#post1361098 -->
<!-- Disable sub-pixel rendering.
X detects it anyway, and if you set this as well, it just looks really horrible -->
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting">
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle">
<!-- The first part of the 'magic.'
This makes the fonts start to look nice,
but some of the shapes will be distorted, so hinting is needed still -->
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias">
<!-- Autohinter is not turned on automatically.
Only disable this if you have recompiled Freetype with the bytecode interpreter,
which is run automatically.<br /> -->
<match target="pattern" >
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint">
<match target="font">
<test name="weight" compare="more">
<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
<!-- Helvetica is a non true type font, and will look bad.
This replaces it with whatever is the default sans-serif font -->
<match target="pattern" name="family" >
<test name="family" qual="any" >
<edit mode="assign" name="family" >