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While the Noobz's Pandora's Battery unbricker is a definite godsend, the problem is that creating this tool means you'll be needing to lug around two batteries with you. Now, in case you're a little cash-strapped to buy a spare, we've picked up word on a tool that could help, courtesy of developer Booster. (Now there's a homebrew giant we haven't heard from in a while...)
Mathieulh reports that the coder has released an IPL code that, when properly installed in your target Memory Stick, will allow you to "boot PSP normally with pandora's battery" (i.e. booting up the XMB menu).
Some users online have already confirmed that this works, however there seem to be some problems with the reset function. For those who are wondering, Booster also gives us a hint of what to expect soon: "The multi_boot_loader which does boot any IPL by buttons select comes soon."
Full usage instructions are available in the file bundle's readme. Teh Luxx0rsz's discussion thread at QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums is also a good place to pick up additional details.
Pero lo mas importante seria saber si... si tiene intencion de hacer tambien un nuevo devhook que acabe un poco con toda esta maraña de custom firmwares. Quien sabe..