<impYY> Fine back on topic
<impYY> I worry about one thing in the 2.0
G3 is like 128 MB too big, correct?
<Kevin666> no
<stefanou> no
<K^^> how is then?
<Kevin666> read the topic rofl
<impYY> I did read the topic
<impYY> The iso was supposedly too big for a DL dvd
<Kevin666> then your blind stfu
<Kevin666> thats is lies
<Kevin666> dual layers are 8.5gb
<Kevin666> dvd+ram's are like 9
<mr-crix> anyone else getting bored of him?
<stefanou> me
<Kevin666> yea
<stefanou> all of them
*** mode/#c4e [+b *!*@ip159-134-173-82.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] by mr-crix
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<mr-crix> thank fuck for that