Sip pero la info que aqui se ha "supuesto" errónea.
Sacado de tomshardware:
"Utilise all those extra flops of power on a GPU to do the math required to simulate realistic physics. Get a Crossfire or even an SLI system and you're flying, as they have enough bandwidth to do your graphics and juggle dynamite whilst entertaining the kids with blow up balloons, all at the same time."
E indican que para hacer eso de manera eficiente se necesitan varias tarjetas en crossfire, etc, etc
"The interesting thing about what we've seen today from ATI is their plan to use three graphics cards, instead of two or four, so you can grab two x1900's (let's say, for arguments sake) and then stick in a relatively cheap x1600 or so to do your physics grunt work. Of course you need 3 PCI Express slots to do this, and motherboards with three slots are few and far between. However if and when the likes of Quad SLI and this three-way solution from ATI take off we may start to find mobo's with three and four PCI-E slots easier and easier to come by."