v0.2 [16-03-2007]
New 'File splitter' implemented. It searches in the selected file for VAG
content and automatically save all of them if it finds.
New 'Custom system_plugin.rco' loading option added. Useful if you have a
previously modified system_plugin.rco file, you can use its header part
instead of the default system_plugin.rco header.
Note: You can't use the VAG files from the selected system_plugin directly.
But if you split it with 'File splitter' option, you can load the VAGs...
Program icon changed.
Auris v0.2 - PSP system sounds (XMB and internet browser) exchanger
Auris can make FW2.50+ compatible system_plugin.rco file (which is used when you are in XMB), and htmlviewer files for FW2.50-3.03 or FW3.10+ (which
are used by the PSP's internet browser). With this application you can make your own, customized files using unique sound effects. You have to convert any audio files to VAG (PSP compatible sound file), load them to Auris and just click on 'Create' button. That's it! You will never get noise at the end of the sounds, and don't need to hexedit too. You could use the created files on any custom firmware (from 2.71 SE to 3.xx OE) or in a Devhook emulated firmware.
Selecting 'PSP default' sounds in Auris you can make default system files. So they will be exactly like the original (decrypted) system_plugin.rco, htmlviewer.snd or htmlviewer.res file. Useful if you screwed your original files.
Here's a screenshot:
Note: Auris needs .NET framework 2.0. You can get it on Microsoft's homepage (a link to download center:
Before starting the program, you have to put a fully decrypted system_plugin.rco from FW2.50 (97 068 bytes) and a decrypted htmlviewer.res from FW3.10 (137 554 bytes) into 'required' folder. If you don't do this, Auris will not start!
Note: Even if I tested in various conditions and created many files, Auris may contains bugs. Theoretically it creates perfect files, but... anything could happen. You take the responsibility for the results. If you aren't agree with this, DO NOT use Auris.
Known bug: after you created a file using custom sounds, you are unable to make the default, original system_plugin or htmlviewer file because the header will contain bad datas. Restarting the program solve this.
I have to check what causes this problem. In any other cases the file creation seems to be perfec