› Foros › PlayStation 3 › General
No, lo tengo e 1080p, y eso Vsyn que es???
El v-sync o sincronismo vertical de la imagen es la relacion que existe entre la velocidad en fotogramas a la que tanscurre el juego y la frecuencia medida en herzios que la tv o monitor esta utilizando
pasa porque el juego no puede mantener esa velocidad constantemente a esa resolucion y cada vez que se retrasa o relantiza, el juego respecto al herzio, (deja de ser multiplo exacto) que le corresponde se produce una "rotura" en la imagen
naima escribió:...
Entonces, si no he entendido mal, en una pantalla que admita 100 hz es mas dificil que se produzca tearing no??
S@ndoK@n escribió:...
Conoces Tweakguides?
It is an unfortunate fact of computer graphics that if you disable VSync, your graphics card and monitor will go out of synch. Whenever your FPS exceeds the refresh rate (e.g. 120 FPS on a 60Hz screen), or in general at any point during which your graphics card is working faster than your monitor, the graphics card produces more frames in the frame buffer than the monitor can actually display at any one time, so the end result is that when the monitor goes to get a new frame from the primary buffer of the graphics card during VBI, the frame may be made up of two or more different frames overlapping each other. This results in the onscreen image appearing to be slightly out of alignment or 'torn' in parts whenever there is any movement - and thus it is referred to as Tearing. An example of this is provided in the simulated screenshot below. Look closely at the urinals and the sink - portions of them are out of alignment due to tearing:
Note that tearing is found equally on CRT or LCD monitors, since both work on the same basis for compatibility purposes - see the Response Time section for details of why an LCD monitor would behave the same as a CRT monitor in this respect.
S@ndoK@n escribió:
La ps3 en modo manual hace lo mismo, fija la salida a la resolucion que tu escojas y el juego se ejecuta a la misma.