Hombre pues pense que sería ese el problema... mira hechale un ojo a esto:
http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/23540 ... onnection/este chico tenia tu mismo problema y lo soluciono haciendo que el portatil fuera el punto de aceso y el otro equipo se conectase a el ( que es mas o menos lo que quieres tu ),
I have a TP-Link MR-3040, which is a battery/usb powered mobile router, which has been flashed for using with an Android programme called DSLRController. This programme allows me to control the DSLR from an Android tablet wirelessly. The TP-link MR-3040 is also an Access Point (the lightbulb moment lol) which isn't affected by the custom firmware.
I set the MR-3040 router as an access point, connected the laptop and tablet to the Access Point network and Teamviewer 10 sees the proper IP addresses allocated by the AP i.e. 192.168.1.xxx and it works straight out of the box
I'm sure there are alternative methods offered above that might not need the mobile router but as I have a couple of them and the remote control is stable and quick I'm a happy bunny.
Hechale unas pruebas y me vas comentando, espero que lo soluciones compi sino avisa, yo estoy intentando montar un proxy en casa de mi hermano para ver su television de pago desde mi casa y estoy como tu, jodido!! el server supuestmente funciona pero yo no soy capaz de conectarme desde fuera