AYUDA, traducción a inglés para una recalmación!

Hola a todos.

El otro día compré un juego de segunda mano en amazon.co.uk y me llegó con una raya que parece ser que no permite jugar algunos modos del juego. Les envié un comentario de venta negativo y me han escrito ésto:

Hello Javier,
We are sorry to see from your feedback comments that you have experienced a problem with this disc. All discs are professionally cleaned and tested before shipping, so we are puzzled by your comments. If you would like to return the game to us at the following address: [...] we will inspect the disc and if at all possible, send a replacement copy to you. Should it prove to be faulty we will be most happy to issue you with a refund.
Please include either a copy of this e-mail or your name and order reference number with the returned item.
Many thanks.
Regards SwapGame Customer Care Team


El caso esque les quiero envíar el juego con una carta explicándoles exactamente dónde me da los errores o cuál ha sido mi experiencia con él, pero gramaticamente perfecta (o casi), ya que tengo el inglés algo abandonado. Quería decirles ésto:

"Hola, lo primero que noté en el juego cuando lo probé es que se queda colgado en el modo Single Player>Arcade Mode y sale una ventana diciendo que No se puede leer el disco, limpialo y reinicia la consola.
A éste punto no le dí demasiada importancia, ya que lo que a mí me importa es el modo Gotham Career, pero al llegar al día 30th October-Invitational en el juego, se vuelve a quedar colgado y ya no puedo pasar de ahí.
Juego con el idioma en español, pero en inglés también se queda colgado en los mismos puntos, aunque a veces te deja avanzar en el menú del Arcade Mode.

Gracias por su atención"

Aquí va mi traducción:


the first problem I noticed in the game when I tried "es que se queda colgado" in the way Single Player>Arcade Mode and there is a window saying "the disc cannot be read, clean up y reset your consolle.
Well, to this point I didn't give importance, because I care mode "Gotham Career"... but when I arrived at day 30th October (in the game), it hung up again, and now, I cannot progress any more.

I played with language in spanish, but in english hung up too in the same points, however you can progress in arcade mode a little more.

Thank you for your attention!

The first problem I noticed in the game was when I tried to play Arcade Mode and the game frozen (aqui tengo duda),a message pop up saying that the disc was either damage or scratched,telling me that i may reset or clean the console.
Well, to this point I didn't give importance, because I care mode "Gotham Career"... but when I arrived at day 30th October (in the game), it hung up again, and now, I cannot progress furthermore

I played with language in spanish, but in english hung up too in the same points, however you can progress in arcade mode a little more.

Thank you for your attention!

Solo cambie eso,en lo demas esta bien la traduccion
Yo lo pondria de esta forma...

ekusdeimos escribió:

The first problem I noticed in the game was when I tried to play Arcade Mode and the game got frozen, a message pop up saying "The disc cannot be read, clean it up and reboot your system."
To this point I didn't give it much importance, because what I really care about is the "Gotham Career" mode... but once I reach October-Invitational 30th (in the game), it hung up again, and now, I cannot go beyond that point.

I played with the spanish language, but in english hung up too in the same points, though you may, sometimes, progress a little further in the Arcade Mode menu.

Thank you for your attention!

realmente no se lo que quieres decir con eso de october-invitational, asi que corrigelo si es necesario.
kamarada escribió:Yo lo pondria de esta forma...

ekusdeimos escribió:

The first problem I noticed in the game was when I tried to play Arcade Mode and the game got frozen, a message pop up saying "The disc cannot be read, clean it up and reboot your system."
To this point I didn't give it much importance, because what I really care about is the "Gotham Career" mode... but once I reach October-Invitational 30th (in the game), it hung up again, and now, I cannot go beyond that point.

I played with the spanish language, but in english hung up too in the same points, though you may, sometimes, progress a little further in the Arcade Mode menu.

Thank you for your attention!

realmente no se lo que quieres decir con eso de october-invitational, asi que corrigelo si es necesario.

El modo historia del juego, se basa en un calendario en el que según avanzas y ganas carreras te invitan a nuevos eventos y carreras. A mí se me cuelga cuando llego al día 31 de octubre (en el juego pone exactamente 31 th october-invitaional con el idioma en inglés)
No tengo mucha idea, pero puedes usar hung up para decir que un juego se queda colgado? Yo diría otra vez frozen, que aunque queda repetitivo, pero tampoco es un essay para una universidad XD

Fdo- An0n1m0
Y a los angloparlantes no les suena mal la repeticion, puedes repetirte varias veces que no esta mal, no es como el español, supongo que por el lexico reducido que tienen.
Y no te traduzco porque ya seria ponerle matizes.

The first problem I noticed in the game was when I tried to play Arcade Mode and the game hangs, a pop up message with the following text appears: "The disc cannot be read, clean it up and reboot your system."
I didn't give it importance at this point , because what I really care about is the "Gotham Career" mode... but when I arrive at the October-Invitational 30th day (in the game), it hangs again, and I cannot go beyond that point.

I played it with the spanish language, but in english hangs too in the same points, however, sometimes I am able to progress a little further in the Arcade Mode menu.

Thank you for your time! I am looking forward to your reply.

¿Así mejor? Saludos!
deniro_12 escribió:Hello.

The first problem I noticed in the game was when I tried to play Arcade Mode and the game hangs, a pop up message with the following text appears: "The disc cannot be read, clean it up and reboot your system."
I didn't give it importance at this point , because what I really care about is the "Gotham Career" mode... but when I arrive at the October-Invitational 30th day (in the game), it hangs again, and I cannot go beyond that point.

I played it with the spanish language, but in english hangs too in the same points, however, sometimes I am able to progress a little further in the Arcade Mode menu.

Thank you for your time! I am looking forward to your reply.

¿Así mejor? Saludos!

Joder el "hangs" como chirria XD Esta mania de traducir literalmente... En ingles se usa "freezes" (Se congela).

Lo demas esta bien.
Hello Sir,

The problem is that the damage to the game disc causes the following issues,
-Game hangs when using Single Player -> Arcade mode, The game console prints out a messege informing that the disc is unreadable,
-When playing in carrer mode, Game will not advance past the 30th October-Invitational, the console becomes blocked at that stage,
-All issues are present in both Spanish and English gameplay modes and can not be avoided in any ways,

All these issues both combined and individualy make the game itself unplayable to its full extent,
Puedes usar 'hang' pero ten en cuenta que es mas de uso americano, yo jamas la he oido asi. Estas escribiendo a amazonUK y en ingles britanico se dice "crash". La opcion de 'freeze' esta bien y es mas generica pero tecnicamente es incorrecta, se dice 'freeze' cuando se refiere a la pantalla en si, pero la pantalla se congela como consecuencia de que el juego se cuelgue.
De resto la carta no es que sea perfecta, pero te haces entender, que es de lo que se trata.
adri-skater8 está baneado por "troleos reiterados"
Aevum escribió:Hello Sir,

The problem is that the damage to the game disc causes the following issues,
-Game hangs when using Single Player -> Arcade mode, The game console prints out a messege informing that the disc is unreadable,
-When playing in carrer mode, Game will not advance past the 30th October-Invitational, the console becomes blocked at that stage,
-All issues are present in both Spanish and English gameplay modes and can not be avoided in any ways,

All these issues both combined and individualy make the game itself unplayable to its full extent,

Creo que esto es demasiado formal. Creo que diria que incluso pedante [+risas]
11 respuestas