Banjoo Tooie de Nintendo 64 finalmente crackeado

Bueno señores ya esta crackeado este juego tardaron 12 años para que se pudiera usar en flashcarts como el everdrive 64 pero hoy ya es posible pego la noticia para que lo lean esta en ingles:

Title : Banjo Tooie USA Crack and Save Fix
Start-date : 10.20.2000
Release-date : 09.23.2011
Coder : LaC
Type : Crack+SaveFix
Platform(s) : N64 APS format)

Release-note :
I'm back! This crack was started in 2000 but I never finished due to real life and almost 0 interest. This game's protection is very similar to Jet Force Gemini, except much worse. It uses an unknown feature that was introduced in the 6105 CIC chip.

Jet Force Gemini was the first to use this feature even though Zelda: O.O.T. was the first game to have the chip. I can only guess the reason was because it was requested by Rare to use in JFG, they must not have had time or didn't care on Zelda. Basically the new feature was an excryption key. You send the chip a 128bit string and it responds with a 128bit key.

On JFG they only sent 1 string which was easy enough to write a crack for. Back when I first worked on the Banjo Tooie crack I noticed they sent lots of strings and got lots of keys back that they used to decrypt the data they were loading from the cart. I was determined to figure out how the key generation worked. So I spent many weeks trying to figure it out. Eventually I gave up and started recording the decryption keys as I played through the game. I stopped at about 43 because I got bored and real life got in the way. Apparently there were only 224 left to find. I never did figure the actual algorithm out so this crack had the final version with all 267 strings, which Tooie and Azimer found.

When I made this, I also challenged some dudes in #n64dev to find the actual algo. X-Scale figured it out here: So this crack actually includes the algo instead of a lookup table. Please note this release date is over a year ago because I was too lazy to send Acey the crack to actually release. Ha. I gave it to some people to test and no one leaked it? WTF?

Special thanks:
Acey for 64scener!
Marshall for the 64drive.


Edit:La verdad no se si funcione este parche para la rom europea pero pueden preguntar al autor del crack si hacen uno en pal el parche.
mmmmmm... Tan difícil era de crackear este juego ?, que tiene de especial?, posee alguna protección de la CIA? XD
en el neoflash se podia jugar y salvar :S
sEgA_bOy digamos que el cartucho mandaba la informacion del juego codificada con claves de 128bit, mientras que Jet Force Gemini solo usa 1, Banjo Tooie usa las 267, por lo que había que sacarlas todas, esa es la razon de la demora.
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