¿¿[BETA] Eleganz Manager by Kakaroto??

[BETA] Eleganz Manager by Kakaroto

Hola me gusaria saber si alguien esta enterado de este tema lo he buscado por todos lados aqui en EOL y no encontre nada asi q decidi abrir el tema.

Good news for all Cobra ODE users:

YES, KaKaRoTo is back and he updated his "elegance manager" to use it with the Cobra ODE. As himself has no Cobra ODE, he only released a BETA version now and that seems to work very well. He has integrated with various other homebrews, such as a file manager, showtime, etc.

You think: "nice story, but what does that emulate in this Cobra ODE?" big grin because now comes the interesting part of the story. There is a bug which started by leaving the Elegance manager homebrew caused with a crash, when the PS3 is performed a kind of soft reset. This means that the games will be mounted without restarting the game.
So this bug becomes a feature and also the Cobra team know it now and they will put this bug/feature on his own manager. In short, this means that in the foreseeable future the Cobra ODE will be able to mount games without system reboot / restart.

I guess that the adjusted Elegance Manager will be released shortly.

gracias por su atencion

Ve al foro de cobra en ps3crunch y ahi lo tienes.
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