Este software es util para cuando algun programa nos modifica el MBR en el disco duro como loaders o algun malware. De esta manera tendremos el sistema de activacion Limpio.
MBR Regenerator: Herramienta para windows 7 creada por Josh Cell -de My Digital Life- la cual restaura el sistema de activacion de windows 7 en el MBR, eliminando cualquier modificacion que otro software halla realizado, como Loaders o malware, de esta manera el sistema queda limpio como al inicio.
MBR Regenerator will help you to repair your OS after corrupted core files and activation problems
- About the Software:
** MBR Regenerator, is a technology, to repair any system with bricked files caused by malware or other malicious programs who were able to damage the Activation System and Technologies, restoring the windows as a Fresh Install without format the or lose any file
** Core files mods [ shell32.dll, uxtheme.dll, explorer.exe ] and others, can cause your system fails to function properly
** With MBR Regeneration System Technology, you is able to repair completely your OS without any brick
** Equipped with injection systems process, MBR Regenerator make a trusted restoration in your system with maximum security
- Key Features
Will repair, recovery, and restore all activation system, restoring the Windows Activation Technologies [ KB971033 ] to original state, install trial key, and able to clean boot code, rebuild tokens for full activation reset factory
If you don't want to restore the activation, simply uncheck the "Regenerate all activation system" option, the regeneration system not touch on this module, any will try repair all files stored on the System32 / SysWOW64, including all activation system, rebuilding and repairing activation data
You also clean the activation system for factory trusted repair, using Advanced Tokens Manager [ by Josh Cell Softwares ] to backup your activation before run regeneration system
Your system, after restart, return untouched on the System32, Activation System, and you can use your system normally, as Pre-Installed
- Operating System Compatibility
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate E
Windows 7 Ultimate N
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Professional E
Windows 7 Professional N
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Home Premium E
Windows 7 Home Premium N
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Basic E
Windows 7 Home Basic N
Windows 7 Starter
Windows 7 Starter E
Windows 7 Starter N
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Enterprise E
Windows 7 Enterprise N
Windows Embedded Standard 7
- MBR Regenerator will be fix all activation problems, and all Windows problems related a corrupted files
- Added MBR Regeneration System in the modules, all regeneration technologies is provided by him
- Dll Injection + 15 modules for Factory Clean the activation system is added
- Added MBR Regenerator console application into UI
- MBR Regenerator is able to recover any system
- Using internal function to replace bootloader
- MBR Regenerator now clean infected boot code
- Totally Reworked GUI and core code
- Fixed all bugs
- And more ...
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