Black Lion Studios annuncia Shadow Harvest para Xbox 360 y PC

Black Lion Studios, a Germany based development studio, today officially announced their upcoming next-gen title SHADOW HARVEST by releasing various in-game screenshots on their website.

SHADOW HARVEST is set in the year 2025. The player takes control over two ISA agents (Myra Lee and Aron Alvarez) which are are deployed as elite black-ops agents on various current and future points of conflict around the globe to cooperatively complete covert operations. Both characters are very different from each other and also have very different special skills. To optimally achieve all mission goals, the player needs to combine Myra's stealth skills, cleverness and athletic abilities with Aron's blunt open battle approach.

The plot of the game is highly inspired by the activities of the US army special operations unit ISA (Intelligence Support Activity), but despite its highly detailed and realistic look, SHADOW HARVEST does not strive to be a hardcore military sim nor does it want to be just another "dual-character-shooter". Besides being a fast-paced tatical action game when playing with Aron, SHADOW HARVEST also features real stealth and action-adventure elements when playing with Myra. Its refreshingly new mix of features allows new possibilities in interactive storytelling and lets the player dive deep into a thrilling storyline in an immersive and unique gaming experience.

SHADOW HARVEST is in development for XBOX 360 and PC and is scheduled for a worldwide release in Q1/2009.

More details about the game can be found at:

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pero en ingles no me entero ni papa
bueno mas titulitos..pero de guerra no por diox..
Aunque queda más de un año esas capturas me dejan frío. Yo después de jugar al COD4 el listón de conflictos bélicos modernos lo tengo por las nubes...(hablo de recreación)

1 saludo!
Otro FPS!!!!! YUHU!!!! [burla2]
Al menos no es un FPS, poco a poco van saliendo shooters occidentales en tercera persona, que hasta que salio Gears of War y Graw parecia que ningun estudio sabia colocar una camara.
SHADOW HARVEST is set in the year 2025.
Wow, si que creen que vaya a durar la vida rentable de 360. Seguro que compite contra Duke Nukem Forever. XD

Shooter clónico de momento, no me sorprende ni me desagrada.
Otro mas de disparos...

En fin. Habra gente que lo compre y todo.
Rolod escribió:Otro mas de disparos...

En fin. Habra gente que lo compre y todo.

¿Y por qué no? A mí es el género que más me gusta.
petasking87 está baneado por "ATPC"
Rolod escribió:
En fin. Habra gente que lo compre y todo.

es que esta prohibido?

no veo mal que se lo compre la genteque le guste el genero
Pues por lo que he visto en las fotos, me llama bastante.
lo que mas me interesa de este tipo de juego es el multijugador, a ver si se lo curran
11 respuestas