Hey there! I finally managed to connect again to the internet after the connection at the hotel broke down. Bleh. Anyway, it's past 2 PM now here and I managed to see/play quite a few games already. Here are my quick impressions.
- Ridge Racer 6: I can't say I've been impressed with this demo with only one track and one car. It certainly runs well but the graphics are not really incredible either. It plays really nicely, it's a lot like the PSP version as far as I can tell
- NFS:MW: The framerate is still very bad, seems about the same as the E3 version
- Test Drive Unlimited: Same as NFS:MW, with an even worse framerate !
- 99 nights: It plays as nicely as it looks. A rather mindless game, but quite enjoyable so far.
- Enchant Arm: Bleh. Not my type of game after all. It looks ok but the battle system is the old school grid type I don't really like.
- Dead Rising: Fun gameplay, but the framerate needs a lot of work.
- World Air Force: I barely played it so I can't comment. Looked ok.
- Kameo: I've been at a private presentation of this game, and I'm simply floored by how great it looks and how inventive all the creatures and gameplay are. Honestly I did not expect much at first, but I'm *really* impressed and can't wait to play this. Look forward to some awesome gameplay videos soon here

I don't have much time and I certainly have forgotten quite a few things. I'll update the site as soon as I can get more free time. It could be in a few hours or even tomorrow...